Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Abuse in NZ Institutions - Main Index

Berhampore Childrens Home

This page last updated Dec 14 2006

2006-1214 - Dominion Post - Abused man seeks $50,000
A man who says he was raped and assaulted by Berhampore Children's Home manager Walter Lake nearly 50 years ago is seeking $50,000 in compensation from operator Presbyterian Support Services

2005-0729 - Newstalk ZB - Commissioner for sex abuse claims
An independent commissioner has been appointed to investigate allegations of sexual abuse at Wellington's Berhampore Children's Home. Thirteen people have complained of being sexually abused during the 50s and 60s by its former head, Walter Lake, who died almost 20 years ago before police could lay charges

2005-0711 - Complaint to Broadcasting Standards Authority
With reference to the programme "The Monster of Berhampore, broadcast by TVNZ on May 1, 2005

2005-0530 - Dominion Post - Progress on sex abuse compo
by Anna Chalmers - Berhampore Children's Home sex abuse complainants are hopeful of a resolution after meeting Presbyterian Support. The agency has changed tack in its handling of the former residents' allegations of sexual and physical abuse by justice of the peace Walter Lake, who headed the Wellington orphanage.
May 27 2005

This site publishes today a transcript of an interview of Mavis Van Dalen by Radio New Zealand that was conducted on May 3 2005 (refer below).

The transcript raises serious concerns about the media coverage of the Berhampore case.  On May 1st, TVNZ ran a programme "The Monster of Berhampore" (Also refer coverage on this site). That programme presented Mavis Van Dalen as providing a "major revelation". It stated that Van Dalen worked at the home and reported that Van Dalen had told the head of the Presbyterian Church that Lake was a sexual predator.

What the Radio New Zealand transcript makes clear, and has not been reported anywhere else is that Van Dalen is not an independent adult witness who was corroborating the stories of the children - but that she was simply repeating what she was told at a Berhampore Reunion over 30 years after she worked at the home. In fact, Van Dalen provided no "new revelation".

Her evidence is valueless.

2005-0524 - Otago Daily Times - Church operation makes U-turn in sex-abuse case
NZPA - Wellington: Presbyterian Support’s hard-line stance on 13 people who say they were sexually abused at a Wellington children’s home is breaking down. The agency has agreed to discuss compensation for the group, amid fears within the Presbyterian Church that the complainants have been treated with a “lack of respect and sensitivity”.

2005-0524 - Dominion Post - More claims of abuse
by Sophie Neville - More former Berhampore Children's Home residents have alleged abuse at the hands of Walter Lake after a softening of Presbyterian Support's hard-line approach toward complainants. Shona Brown, 49, and her brothers Michael, 44, and Ross, 46, told The Dominion Post yesterday they had suffered sexual and physical abuse for years.

2005-0523 - One News - Abuse victims granted meeting
Presbyterian Support Central has agreed to meet representatives of complainants alleging historic abuse at the Berhampore Children's Home in Wellington. About 15 former residents say they were sexually abused by the home's former manager, Walter Lake, who died before charges could be laid.

2005-0523 - Dominion Post - U-turn on sex abuse
by Sophie Neville - Presbyterian Support's hardline stance on 13 people who say they were sexually abused at a Wellington children's home is breaking down. The agency has agreed to discuss compensation for the group, amid fears within the church the complainants have been treated with a "lack of respect and sensitivity". Presbyterian Support, which ran Berhampore Children's Home where some residents say they were abused by justice of the peace Walter Lake, has reversed its position and agreed to meet the group's lawyer this week.

2005-0507 - Dominion Post - Church should face responsibilities
Editorial - Childhood can be a lonely time for disadvantaged kids, particularly those growing up without parents. Agencies which act in loco parentis take a huge responsibility on their shoulders. Recent allegations suggest that is a responsibility Presbyterian Support Services has not borne well.
May 4 2005

Trevor Roberts and the Presbyterian Support organisation deserve congratulations for their inspired stand with regard to the allegations of abuse at the Berhampore home, regardless of the message contained within Tom Scott's cartoon (below).

Presbyterian Support should listen with empathy to allegations of abuse, and perhaps even offer counselling, but to either believe or disbelieve allegations of abuse without a thorough investigation would be simply foolish.

The time for being generous with support and compensation is when abuse has been established, and not when allegations are made. If abuse has occurred there is cause to be very generous.

To pay compensation based solely on allegations would be both unfair to the Presbyterian organisation, and also to the memory of Walter Lake.  It would invite the possibility of fraud, has as already occurred in the St John of God debacle.

Allegations of sexual abuse are extremely serious, regardless of the truth of the allegation. 

Presbyterian Support must be tempted to be generous and to simply payout, and to be seen to be understanding and caring about the terrible crime of sexual abuse that has possibly occurred in one of their homes.  The temptation must be even more when Trevor Roberts is accused by National Radio Linda Clark (May 3) of "revictimising the victims" (which of course makes the assumption that abuse has occurred)

But if Presbyterian Support were to adopt a policy of "believing" complainants without an investigation, they would be acting outside all considerations of natural justice where an accused person is innocent until proven guilty. 

                  2005-0504 - Tom Scott:  "Responding Quickly"

2005-0503 - Radio NZ - Nine To Noon Transcript
New May 27 2005
Interview of Mavis Van Dalen by Linda Clark -
Linda Clark - I spoke to Mavis Van Dalen before we came on air this morning - I began by asking her when she first became aware of the claims of sexual abuse.
Mavis Van Dalen - There was a reunion (in 1990) organised for the children of the children’s home to which I went, and I heard a comment from one young woman to another. And some months later I queried it with Kathleen who told me what had happened to her

2005-0503 - Marlborough Express - Claims need addressing
Editorial - The Presbyterian Church needs to practise more of the compassion and caring that it preaches and willingly help expose any sexual abuse which may have occurred at a Wellington children's home operating under its auspices, writes The Marlborough Exprees in an editorial.  To date, neither the church nor Presbyterian Support has accepted any responsibility over the allegations from at least 14 former residents of a Presbyterian Support children's home in Berhampore that they were sexually abused during the 1950s and 60s by the home's head of social services, Walter Lake

2005-0503 - Dominion Post - Bid to 'strip victims bare'

Gordon Paine
(from One News)

by Oskar Alley - A Presbyterian group at the centre of sex abuse allegations against orphanage boss Wally Lake tried to delve into victims' personal lives by accessing their police records and psychiatric histories. Lawyer Gordon Paine, who acts for 13 victims, said yesterday that Presbyterian Support had tried to "strip the victims bare", asking them to sign waivers granting access to their police records and medical and psychiatric files. The complainants refused.

2005-0502 - NZ Herald - Presbyterians refuse to talk if lawyers involved
NZPA - A Presbyterian group is refusing to deal with at least 14 people who say they were sexually abused at a children's home if they have hired a lawyer or gone public with their claims. Former residents who engage a lawyer or speak to the media will have to prove their claims in court, says Presbyterian Support Services spokesman Trevor Roberts.

2005-0502 - Presbyterian Church - The Berhampore home case
Some matters have not been adequately covered in the newspaper, radio and television reports, even though we have given careful detailed briefings. This information may help answer questions you have about the Church’s response to this matter.

2005-0502 - One News - Handling of sex abuse claims defended
Kathleen Batchelor
(from One News)

Kathleen Batchelor
(from One News)

Presbyterian Support is defending its handling of historic sexual abuse claims at one of its children's homes. At least 14 former residents of the Berhampore Children's Home in Wellington have told police they were sexually abused at the home in the 1950s and 1960s by Walter Lake, who ran the orphanage for 20 years.

2005-0502 - One News - Abuse victims deprived of justice
Mavis Van Dalen
Presbyterian Deaconess
(from One News)
Mavis Van Dalen
(from One News)

Walter Lake was one of the leaders of the Presbyterian Support Services. He was an OBE, justice of the peace, World War II veteran and Sunday school teacher. But there was another side to the respected pillar of society who died five months ago. Lake, who ran the Berhampore orphanage for 20 years, has been revealed as a sexual monster who terrorised and preyed on small children in his care….Mavis Van Dalen, a deaconess who damns the way the Presbyterian's are handling the Walter Lake scandal, told the Presbyterian Church he was a sexual predator.

2005-0502 - Manawatu Standard - Sex attack claims
Trevor Roberts
Presbyterian Support
(from One News)

Trevor Roberts, Presbyterian Support
(from One News)

A Presbyterian group is refusing to deal with at least 14 people who claim they were sexually abused at a Wellington children's home if they have hired a lawyer or gone public with their claims. Presbyterian Support Services spokesman Trevor Roberts said former residents who engaged a lawyer or spoke to the media would have to prove their claims in court.

2005-0502 - Green Party - Presbyterian Group Should Not Ignore Claims
Glenn Williams
Detective Sergeant
(from One News)
Detective Sergeant Glenn Williams
(from One News)

by Sue Bradford - It is appalling that Presbyterian Support Services should be re-victimising sexual abuse victims by refusing to talk with them if they have tried to fight for recognition of their claims, Green Social Services Spokesperson Sue Bradford says. Police have revealed that they were poised to charge Walter Lake, the former head of Presbyterian Support Services' children's home in Berhampore, with multiple sex crimes, but he died before the charges could be laid

2005-0502 - Dominion Post - Sex abuse victims' battle

Walter Lake
(from One News)

Walter Lake
(from One News)

A Presbyterian group is refusing to deal with at least 14 people who say they were sexually abused at a Wellington children's home if they have hired a lawyer or gone public with their claims. Presbyterian Support Services spokesman Trevor Roberts said former residents who engaged a lawyer or spoke to the media would have to prove their claims in court. 

2005-0502 - Dominion Post - A home away from home for many .
The Berhampore Children's Home was built as an orphanage in 1912. Its single building, surrounded by six hectares (15 acres) of land, housed up to 50 children. Two more buildings, for older boys and for girls, were added later. By 1923 there were 103 children in fulltime care in the three buildings

2005-0501 - TVNZ-Sunday - The Monster of Berhampore
He was an OBE, a Justice of the Peace and a leader in the Presbyterian Church. But this model citizen was also a sexual monster and his victims believe there has been a cover-up. Sunday explores the controversial allegations surrounding the case

2005-0429 - Presbyterian Church - Response to the Berhampore home case
by Josephine Reader - “Our first priority is safety of those in our care. We take extremely seriously complaints of assault, abuse or inaction.  “These complaints relate to alleged incidents at a home that wasn’t under the management or control of the Presbyterian Church. However, an allegation that during 1991 the Moderator of the Church’s General Assembly took no action when he was informed of conversations during which people spoke about being abused is our responsibility.

Berhampore Childrens Home2005-0405 - One News - Anger over alleged orphanage abuse
Alleged sexual abuse at a Wellington orphanage 40 years ago has been the focus of an angry demonstration. Protesters rallied outside Presbyterian Support Services in the capital on Tuesday, demanding formal recognition of their claims. They say at least seven former residents of Berhampore children's home were abused in the 1960's by the then head of social services, Walter Lake

2004-1201 - Dominion Post - Child-abuse accused dies
An elderly man accused of sexually abusing youngsters decades ago at a Wellington children's home has died. Police plan to end their investigation into allegations of historical sexual abuse against a staff member of the former Berhampore Children's Home. Detective Senior Sergeant Simon Perry said the accused man died on November 21

2004-0709 - One News - Children's home abuse investigated

A top Wellington police officer is to head an investigation into mulitiple complaints of sexual abuse against a man who ran a children's home in Wellington nearly 50 years ago. The accusations are against Walter Lake, 83, a justice of the peace who headed the Presbyterian church's Berhampore childen's home in the 1950s and 1960s. Kathleen Batchelor is one of at least seven people who claim Lake, the former head of the Presbyterian church's social services division, sexually assaulted them when they were children in his care

2004-0620 - Media watch - Interview: The Bill Ralston Show
Russell Brown - On Tuesday One News broke two. On Holmes there were claims of sexual abuse in a childrens' home in Wellington forty years ago….. And unusually the programme named the accused man.

2004-0618 - Dominion Post - Home abuse claims investigated
by Andrew Kelly - Presbyterian Support is investigating claims of abuse at a Wellington children's home during the 1960s. Former residents have made allegations against a former employee of Presbyterian Support Central, which ran the Berhampore children's home. A spokesman for the charitable trust, Trevor Roberts, said it had investigated two complaints made in 2002 about the man's conduct. Last week, it learned of two other complainants, and has made initial inquiries into their cases

2004-0616 - NZ Herald - Presbyterian Support Services to investigate abuse claims
Church welfare organisation Presbyterian Support Services is investigating sexual abuse allegations dating back more than 40 years. The allegations have been made against a former employee of a children's home run by the organisation. The alleged offender is now in his eighties

2004-0616 - Evening Standard - Abuse claims target church
by Jonathan McKenzie and NZPA - A Palmerston North woman has sparked an investigation into alleged sexual abuse at a Presbyterian Support Services children's home more than 40 years ago. The woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, says she was abused by a worker while she was in care at a home in the Wellington suburb of Berhampore. Church welfare organisation Presbyterian Support Services is investigating the allegations against the former employee of the home, which was run by the organisation. The alleged offender is now in his 80s and denies the allegations