Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Abuse in NZ Institutions - Main Index

Berhampore Childrens Home

Green Party
May 2 2005

Presbyterian Group Should Not Ignore Claims
Press Release by Sue Bradford

It is appalling that Presbyterian Support Services should be re-victimising sexual abuse victims by refusing to talk with them if they have tried to fight for recognition of their claims, Green Social Services Spokesperson Sue Bradford says.

Police have revealed that they were poised to charge Walter Lake, the former head of Presbyterian Support Services' children's home in Berhampore, with multiple sex crimes, but he died before the charges could be laid.

Presbyterian Support has told victims who have complained to police or gone to the media that they should take their cases to court.

"It is unbelievable that Presbyterian Support should force victims into litigation - it is just re-victimising them," Ms Bradford says.

"These victims were vulnerable children when they were put into the care of the church group and the least they deserve is to be heard by the group whose job it was to ensure they were safe."