Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

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Berhampore Childrens Home


NZ Herald
May 2 2005

Presbyterians refuse to talk if lawyers involved

A Presbyterian group is refusing to deal with at least 14 people who say they were sexually abused at a children's home if they have hired a lawyer or gone public with their claims.

Former residents who engage a lawyer or speak to the media will have to prove their claims in court, says Presbyterian Support Services spokesman Trevor Roberts.

At least 14 former residents of a Presbyterian Support children's home in Berhampore, Wellington, went to police last year with claims that they were sexually abused during the 1950s and 60s by the home's head of social services, Walter Lake.

Police have confirmed they were poised to charge Lake with multiple sex crimes when he died on November 21, aged 84.

The Presbyterian Church has distanced itself from the claims, saying the children's home was run by Presbyterian Support, not the Church. The organisations are separate legal entities.

Complainant Kathleen Batchelor, 57, told the Dominion Post last night that she had tried approaching Presbyterian Support without a lawyer and had got nowhere.

While some claimants wanted compensation, the most important thing was that Presbyterian Support admitted the abuse, she said. "They knew and did nothing; they are as liable as Lake."

Ms Batchelor said Lake sexually assaulted her when she was 13, in his car parked at the Petone foreshore. She complained to a matron but was called a liar and sent to bed.

She also told a senior Presbyterian minister but no action was taken.

Ms Batchelor laid a complaint with the police in 1985 but Lake denied the allegations and was not prosecuted.

In 2001, she took her allegations to Presbyterian Support but was told to lay a complaint with the police. She did, but once again there was not enough evidence to act.

Last year, when Ms Batchelor went public with her allegations, culminating in an investigation by TVNZ's Sunday programme last night, more former residents came forward with similar abuse claims against Lake.

Among them were Karen Millan, 43, and Louise Millan, 45, of Paraparaumu. They recall being told to strip naked while in Lake's car together, then they were sexually assaulted. They are unsure what age they were, other than it was before Louise turned 8.

Their older brother Kevin, now 49, has said Lake abused him "hundreds" of times but listed just three in his statement to police.

Mr Roberts, a lawyer, said Presbyterian Support was not liable for the alleged crimes and "would not expose itself to allegations of a cover-up by writing out cheques".

Those who hired a lawyer or spoke to the media should take their claims to court, he said