Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Allegations of Abuse; Exclusive Brethren

News Reports 2006 Index


This page last updated 12 October 2006

2006-1011 - The Press - Abuse should be reported, says PM
by Don Eaton - Claims of sexual abuse against the Exclusive Brethren should be taken to the police, says Prime Minister Helen Clark. She made the comments in response to a TV One report in which an unidentified former member of the conservative Christian group said she knew of multiple cases of child sex abuse. Parliament returned from a three-week recess yesterday and Clark's anger at the sect's reported hiring of private investigators to dig up dirt on her husband, Peter Davis, and Labour MPs was still evident. "I am always concerned about claims of sexual abuse and cover-ups of it," Clark said.

2006-1010 - One News - Brethren victims urged to complain
Prime Minister Helen Clark says she is concerned about claims of sexual abuse within the Exclusive Brethren church and is urging victims to go to the police. A former church member earlier revealed on One News how the abuse was covered up for several decades. And she now has more revelations about her time in the secretive sect. The Exclusive Brethren church sets its own rules and deals with those who break them in its own way. But claims some teenagers and children were sexually abused by other church members has caused alarm at the highest levels .

2006-1009 - One News - Brethren accused of child sex abuse
A woman who fled the Exclusive Brethren church says she is aware of multiple cases of child sex abuse which were covered up by the religious sect.Phillipa, who prefers not to give her family name, says the acts took place over several decades and the victims were mainly teenage boys. She is now prepared to co-operate with any police investigation. Philippa was encouraged to live her life by The Bible for 40 years, but the former Exclusive Brethren member says when it came to morality, the sect was anything but an open book. She says sexual abuse by teenagers with other teenage males and children was dealt with by the church underground.