Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

St John of God - Marylands - Index

2006/1 - The trial of Bernard McGrath


The Press
March 8 2006

McGrath ill; sex trial adjourned

By John Henzell

The trial of former Catholic brother Bernard Kevin McGrath on historic child-sex charges has been adjourned for a second time because he has become ill.

Justice Chisholm told the High Court jury in Christchurch yesterday afternoon that McGrath, 58, had sought medical help. The trial lost a day last week because of McGrath's ill health.

Before the adjournment, the jury had heard the end of a videotaped police interview in which McGrath admitted he sexually abused boys at the school in the 1970s but denied he was a paedophile.

"I'm not sexually attracted to prepubescent people, which is a paedophile," he told detectives.

"I found I was attracted to the female body and the smooth male body."

McGrath admitted fondling boys over their clothes in class and accepted it was risky behaviour.

"I can't explain that. I'm sick, I suppose."

He denied claims that he sexually abused two brothers who were in his dorm, adding: "I wouldn't have been sexually attracted to them. No inclination at all. Because they were pretty small kids."

Detective Sean Buckley asked: "So you preferred them bigger than that?"

McGrath: "I did, yep."

McGrath also denied molesting another boy but accepted that "down the track, he could have become a victim of mine because I felt sorry for him".

The boy, now aged 39, has claimed McGrath repeatedly sodomised him and subjected him to indecencies, but McGrath denies the abuse on any of the children ever went beyond indecent touching.

Buckley: "Is it possible you touched them and you can't remember it?"

McGrath: "That's the dilemma."

He later disputed that there was abuse he could not recall and was adamant it did not extend to oral and anal sex, saying he was physically incapable of doing so.

"I'm not in denial. Please believe me," McGrath added.

"I'm not saying it's made up by (the boys). All I can say it that's not one of my sins. As God Almighty is my judge, I'm prepared to go to my grave tonight and face that. I'm not minimalising it, I'm not."

McGrath said that since leaving the school in 1977, he has prayed for the sexual-abuse victims at the school – including his, those abused by four other Catholic brothers he identified, and by fellow pupils.

The trial is tentatively scheduled to continue today, depending on McGrath's health