Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Abuse in NZ Institutions - Main Index

St John of God - Marylands - Index


This page last updated Oct 24 2006

News Reports

2006/3  Aust High Court reinstates extradition
of Raymond Garchow and Roger Moloney

October 19       Accused arrive in NZ,
            granted bail and image suppression

October 17-18   Reaction in NZ while waiting for extradition

October 17 media release
            "New Zealand Justice on Trial"

October 16       High Court Appeal is lost clearing way for extradition

October 13       Accused granted High Court appeal

October 6         Reaction to Federal Court decision

October 5         Federal Court upholds NZ appeal:
            Extradition reinstated

August 2          Full bench of Australian Federal Court
            hears appeal; decision reserved


2006/2  Federal Court quashes Extradition
of Raymond Garchow and Roger Moloney

June 2              Two barristers criticise comments by
            Denise Arnold and Scott Optican

May 18             Australian Court clearance for NZ appeal

May 5               NZ Lawyer article argues criticism of
            NZ sex cases justified

May 4-8            NZ lodges appeal against Madgwick decision

April 26 -May1  Letters to the Editor

April 27            Survivor groups plea Prime Minister to get extradition
            decision overturned

April 25-28        Newspaper editorials

April 25            NZ Herald discusses decision

April 24            Madgwick decision may be appealed

April 24   media release
            "Criticism of Justice system needs to be listened to"

April 22-25        NZ reaction to Justice Madgwick's decision

April 21            Reports of Justice Madgwick's decision

April 21             NZ Justice system in sex cases considered unfair by
            Australian Judge Madgwick; Judgment included


2006/1 The trial of Bernard McGrath

Apr 28              Reaction to sentence

Apr 27              McGrath sentenced to 5 years

Mar 17              Reaction to Verdict

Mar 16              McGrath found guilty of half charges he faced

Mar 13              Judge sums up, and jury retires

Mar 10              Defence and Summing Up

Feb 21-Mar 9    Prosecution witnesses

Feb 20             Trial of Bernard McGrath opens


2005 reports


Earlier reports refer under "Church" index





            October 24 2006; This page in development