Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

St John of God - Marylands - Index

2006/1 - The trial of Bernard McGrath


Taranaki Daily News
March 14 2006

Jury retires in trial of former brother

A High Court jury in Christchurch has retired in the trial of Bernard Kevin McGrath (58), who denies 44 charges of sodomy and indecency at Marylands, a residential school on the outskirts of Christchurch.

The jury was last night sent to a hotel after deliberating for about nine hours after being asked to consider their verdicts on the first day of the fourth week of the trial.

When Justice Chisholm summed up to the jury yesterday, he asked them to "judge McGrath's innocence or guilt with your head and not your heart", and to put aside prejudice and sympathy.

The court was told that McGrath had been jailed in 1993 for sexually abusing boys at Marylands during his time as a dorm master and teacher with the St John of God Order. McGrath later admitted more offending while in jail, a process known as a custody clearance.

The jury was also told it was accepted that other Catholic brothers, whose names are suppressed, had also molested boys there. The question was not whether McGrath was a child molester, but how many and how seriously he offended.