Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

St John of God - Marylands - Index

2006/1 - The trial of Bernard McGrath


One News
April 27 2006

Catholic brother gets five years

A former Catholic brother has been sentenced to five years imprisonment after being found guilty on charges of sexually abusing boys at a Christchurch school in the 1970s.

Bernard McGrath, 58, was last month found guilty by a jury on 21 charges and not guilty of a further 23.

The charges relate to nine victims, who were aged between seven and 15 years, during McGrath's time as a teacher and dorm master at Marylands School for troubled boys.

McGrath initially faced 54 charges, but pleaded guilty to one charge of indecent assault and a further nine charges were dropped during the trial.

The jury, which deliberated for almost 33 hours, was told during the trial that McGrath was convicted on similar charges in 1993.

In sentencing, Justice Chisholm said an aggravating feature of the offending was the vulnerability of the victims because of their particular disabilities. Chisholm said the aggravating features of McGrath's offending included breach of trust; the duration of the offending and the deep harm suffered by his victims.

Chisholm said he took into account the time McGrath had already served following convictions in the 1990s for similar offending.

But supporters of the men who were sexually abused by the former Catholic brother are angry at the five-year prison sentence handed down. Ken Clearwater, who chairs the Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Trust, says the sentence is an insult to the victims who had been hoping for a longer sentence and some closure