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Abuse of Prisoners by Police - Main Index

News Reports - 4


Newstalk ZB
March 6 2005

Demonstrators claim police brutality

Opposition demonstrators who attended Auckland's Destiny Church Defend the Legacy march yesterday are claiming they were subjected to police brutality.

At the beginning of the Destiny march, a small group with opposing views sat down on the ground to block the path of the large group of marchers.

Police intervened, physically lifting and removing the seated protestors.

Two demonstrators, who were with a group supporting diversity, say the police were heavy handed, and had pushed and shoved some people.

Destiny marchers were told not to touch any opposition demonstrators who crossed their path.

The police say they were happy with the behaviour of the marchers.

Around 10,000 Destiny Church members marched up Queen Street in support of the church and to highlight the breakdown of the family unit in New Zealand society.

Inspector Jim Wilson says everything ran smoothly.

He says only one arrest was made and it was not for a serious offence.

He says the marchers stuck to all the conditions required by the council.

Self proclaimed bishop Brian Tamaki claims he is not bothered by opposition protestors.

They were met by around 60 pro-diversity demonstrators who were forcibly removed by the police.

Brian Tamaki says the pro-diversity marches were clearly in the minority.

He says he did not see much of them because thee were so few of them.

Brian Tamaki says he is not sure if they will have more marches in the future but says if they do he is sure they will attract more than double the number of people they did yesterday.

Meanwhile around 700 people met for the 'Don't hate, celebrate' gathering.

Event organiser Annalise Roache says It was ridiculous of Brian Tamaki to try to compare numbers.

She says it is not a numbers game but was about sending a clear message that there's an alternative opinion.

She says she is disappointed protestors showed up to the Destiny March as it was like stooping to their level.