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This page last updated March 16 2005

2005-0310 - Green Party - Inquiry welcome, but what about the rest of NZ?
new March 16 2005
by Keith Locke MP - News that an inquiry has been launched into police culture in South Auckland is great, but the rest of New Zealand should also be included, Green Police Spokesman Keith Locke says

2005-0310 - NZ Parliament - Questions: Police culture
Nandor Tanczos: What is the Minister’s view on the statements by the Tasman district police commander to the Nelson Mail last month that in the case of Terrence Hunt, who was found by a jury in a civil trial to have struck John Menzies with a police baton and a police torch, to have kicked him, and then to have fabricated evidence in order to wrongfully prosecute and imprison him, no disciplinary action would be taken and it was time to move on; and what does that say about police culture?

2005-0310 - Manukau Courier - Cop punished for arrest
by Andy Wallace - The Counties Manukau cop at the centre of an investigation into police misconduct was disciplined four years ago for unlawfully arresting a Manurewa man. ………..In 2001, Mr Solomona was disciplined by his bosses after a Police Complaints Authority investigation ruled he had unlawfully arrested Manurewa resident John Williams, 39, for trespass following a minor incident on a train in October 2000.

2005-0310 - One News - Sth Auck police inquiry head named
new March 16 2005
The Police Commissioner has appointed Sir David Tompkins QC to oversee an investigation into the culture of Counties Manukau police. ……….. Tompkins, a retired High Court Judge, will be supported by Inspector Pieter Roozendaal, the professional standards manager for North Shore Waitakere District.

2005-0310 - NZ Herald - Retired judge to review 'sick' police culture
Sir David Tompkins
investigating "sick" police cultureNZPA - The Commissioner of Police Rob Robinson today announced Sir David would oversee the investigation into the culture in the Counties-Manukau Police District, assisted by Inspector Pieter Roozendaal from North Shore Waitakere.  In a statement, the Office of the Commissioner said the investigation's terms of reference were "to determine whether there is evidence of a police culture that condones or encourages acts of violence or other inappropriate treatment towards prisoners, suspects or other persons in the Counties-Manukau Police District."

2005-0310 - Stuff - Retired to judge to review 'sick' police culture
by Evan Pegden - Retired High Court judge Sir David Tompkins QC is to oversee an investigation into South Auckland's police culture after a senior officer was convicted of assault and a judge said the police culture was "sick".

2005-0310 - Newstalk ZB - QC to oversee police investigation
Sir David Tompkins QC will oversee an investigation into what has been described as a "sick" culture within Counties Manukau police……The aim is to determine whether there is evidence of a police culture that condones or encourages acts of violence or other inappropriate treatment towards prisoners and suspects.

2005-0310 - NZ Police - Sir David Tompkins QC to oversee investigation
The Commissioner of Police has appointed Sir David Tompkins QC to oversee an investigation into the culture of the Counties Manukau Police District. Sir David, a retired High Court Judge, will be supported by Inspector Pieter Roozendaal, the Professional Standards Manager, for North Shore Waitakere District.

2005-0307 - Dominion Post - 'Get real' - police boss defends 111
But Te Puke woman Maggie Bentley ……accused the commissioner of trying to sweep problems under the carpet.  "What Rob Robinson is saying, and has been saying all the way through, is 'stuff the citizens of New Zealand'."

2005-0306 - Newstalk ZB - Demonstrators claim police brutality
Opposition demonstrators who attended Auckland's Destiny Church Defend the Legacy march yesterday are claiming they were subjected to police brutality.

2005-0306 - Sunday Star Times - 'Sick' police culture comes with........
by Michael Laws -  (report to be included)

2005-0306 - Sunday Star Times - Perf payout on cards for guilty cop
by Rachel Grunwell - Taxpayers may end up funding a golden handshake for a senior policeman who has been the public focus of an alleged "sick" police culture in south Auckland……. A police source told the Star-Times that Solomona told him he may retire through the Police Early Retirement Fund (perf) scheme. "When he was stood down (from police duties over the charge) he said `I'm not coming back if this is the way the department is going to treat me'," said the source.

2005-0305 - Otago Daily Times - Police and statistics
Editorial - Allegations of historical pack rape involving police officers are still being investigated and the recent court case involving South Auckland section leader Senior Sergeant Anthony Solomoana revealed police behaviour Judge Bruce Davidson described as “disturbing” and “sick”.  All of this comes down to a matter of public confidence.

2005-0305 - Otago Daily Times - What do you think of the police?
A string of police controversies has probably tarnished their image but not really eroded the public’s faith in them ……Allegations of a a police culture which promoted humiliating prisoners had to be investigated more and could make young people question why they should respect the police, if the police did not respect them

2005-0305 - NZ Herald - Sick culture or living with stress?
Counties-Manukau Police district commander Steve Shortland is a cop under seige. The barbarians have been at the gate of his Otahuhu HQ since a guilty verdict on an assault charge was returned against veteran South Auckland officer Anthony Solomona. To compound the problem, that verdict has taken a back seat to evidence produced in court of some bizarre police practices at the Wiri station during Solomona's tenure.

2005-0305 - NZ Herald - Cop-scandal teens just want to get on with life

The teenagers whose allegations have sparked an investigation into what a judge called a "sick" culture in the police want to put the matter behind them, says a man close to the group. Solomona was found guilty of assaulting Angelo Turner, then aged 17, on the forecourt of a Manurewa service station in February last year. He had been arresting him on a charge of breaching the peace.