Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Psychiatric Hospitals Index

July-Dec 2004 Index


NZ Herald
July 29 2004

Compensation claim lawyers to meet

By Martin Johnston

Action to settle former mental hospital patients' compensation claims against the Crown for alleged abuse may be about to begin.

Crown Law (the Government's lawyers) has arranged to meet lawyers acting for more than 200 former patients.

Sonja Cooper and Roger Chapman act for the former patients of Oakley and Kingseat Hospitals in Auckland, Tokanui Hospital, Porirua Hospital near Wellington, Lake Alice near Wanganui and others in Nelson, Christchurch and Otago.

"Crown Law and Roger and I are in discussions about how to progress the matters," Ms Cooper said yesterday.

Crown Law referred the Herald to Attorney-General Margaret Wilson, who said through her spokeswoman that Crown Law was always talking to the claimants' lawyers.

The claimants, mostly aged from 8 to 16 when they were patients, allege beatings and sexual abuse by staff and patients, and inappropriate and excessive use of drugs, solitary confinement and electric shock therapy, often as a punishment.

About 70 claims have been filed in the High Court and more are being prepared. Each seeks up to $500,000 compensation and exemplary damages approaching $50,000.

The claimants' lawyers have asked for an inquiry to be set up to spare their clients the trauma of trials.