Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Psychiatric Hospitals Index

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2004-1209 - Manawatu Standard - Forum offer is 'a sick joke'

The Government is cynically banking on former pyschiatric patients giving up and going away by making justice too difficult to attain, say former Lake Alice Hospital residents in Palmerston North.

2004-1208 - The Press - Abuse forum 'delay tactic'
by Kamala Hayman - A former Christchurch psychiatric patient, subjected to years of shock treatment and threatened with a lobotomy, has dismissed as a "waste of time" Government plans to hear abuse claims in a confidential forum ……………… But a former Sunnyside patient, still living in Christchurch, could not see the point of the forum nor of further counselling.

2004-1208 - Stuff - Psychiatric claimants angered by Government response
NZPA - Former psychiatric hospital patients claiming compensation for abusive treatment are angered by Government plans to set up a confidential forum instead of an inquiry, their lawyers say. Attorney-General Margaret Wilson yesterday said former psychiatric patients who claimed to have suffered abuse while in hospital would be able to talk about their experiences at a confidential forum.

2004-1208 - NZ Herald - No inquiry into alleged psych abuse
The Government has rejected calls to set up an inquiry into the allegations by hundreds of former patients that they were abused in psychiatric hospitals. Instead, it is creating a special forum to hear the stories of former patients, their families and hospital staff - forcing people who want compensation to go through the courts. Attorney-General Margaret Wilson said the forum, chaired by ombudsman and former judge Anand Satyanand, would refer people where necessary to the appropriate agencies, such as ACC, the Health and Disability Commissioner or the police. It could also refer people for state-paid counselling.

2004-1208 - Dominion Post - Mental patient abuse inquiry turned down
by Fran Tyler - Former psychiatric patients who say they were abused by hospital staff are angry at the Government's refusal to hold a public inquiry. Attorney-General Margaret Wilson yesterday announced plans to instead establish a non-public forum to allow former patients, their families and hospital staff an avenue to air their complaints and stories.

2004-1207 - One News - No inquiry over abuse claims
Former psychiatric patients who claim they have suffered abuse will be given an opportunity to tell their stories at a confidential forum. The government is setting up the forum so former patients, their families and former staff can gain acknowledgement of their experiences. Attorney-General Margaret Wilson says they looked carefully at holding an inquiry, but many former psychiatric patients wanted a way to talk about their stories.

2004-1207 - One News - Anger over forum for psych patients
A group representing former mental health service users is outraged that the government is setting up a confidential forum to hear their claims of abuse. About 300 former patients have made complaints about their treatment at mental hospitals across New Zealand when most were aged between eight and 16. They have alleged beatings and sexual abuse by staff and other patients, excessive use of electro-shock treatment and drugs and solitary confinement.

2004-1207 - NZ Government - New forum for psychiatric patients
Press Release by Margaret Wilson - The government will establish a forum for former psychiatric patients who claim to have suffered abuse while in hospital, Attorney-General Margaret Wilson announced today. The Confidential Forum for Former In-Patients of Psychiatric Hospitals will invite former patients, their families and hospital staff members to tell the stories of their experiences in psychiatric institutions. "The forum is designed to give former patients a chance to talk about their experiences in a non-critical and confidential environment," Margaret Wilson said.

2004-1207 - Newstalk ZB - Forum for former psychiatric patients
A new forum is being set up for former psychiatric patients who claim to have been abused while in institutions. Former patients, their families and hospital staff will be able to talk openly of their experiences. Attorney-General Margaret Wilson says it will be a confidential and non-critical forum, chaired by an Ombudsman and administered by the Internal Affairs Department and Health Ministry.

2004-1207 - Newstalk ZB - Compensation kept separate from abuse claims
The Attorney-General says compensation issues must be kept separate from a new forum for psychiatric patients who claim they were abused. The Confidential Forum for Former In-Patients of Psychiatric Hospitals, run by the Health Ministry and Internal Affairs, will provide a way for former psychiatric patients to formally register their claims. It will invite former patients, their families and hospital staff members to tell of their experiences.

2004-1113 - NZ Herald - Return to horror hospital
For Hake Halo, Lake Alice Hospital was a place of terror which overshadowed the rest of his life. Now just a collection of run-down rural buildings with cows munching grass outside, in the 1970s it was the place where the then teenaged Hake says he was punished with electric shocks and painful injections by nurses and doctors trying to alter youngsters' behaviour.

2004-1013 - The Press - A measured approach
An almost audible sigh can be heard from New Zealanders as they contemplate yet another labyrinthine case of institutional abuse and the liturgy of apologies and compensation that will inevitably go with it. After the St John of God, Porirua Mental Hospital, Nazareth House, Salvation Army and prison solitary confinement affairs, and others, we could do without the deep flesh wound that is beginning to suppurate at Waiouru

2004-1011 - Dominion Post - Alleged victims of abuse accuse Government of bias
by Fran Tyler - Former psychiatric patients and social welfare children taking cases against the Crown over alleged abuse have accused the Government of discrimination. When news broke of allegations by army cadets that they suffered abuse between the 1950s and 1980s, Defence Minister Mark Burton immediately promised an independent investigation, one of the groups' lawyers, Sonja Cooper, said.

2004-1000 - MAF - Former Patient Abuse Claims Rising
The number of claims alleging abuse and mistreatment at psychiatric hospitals during the 1960s and 1970s is continuing to climb. The Crown Law Office says there are now 77 individual claims from former patients, many of them relating to Porirua Hospital

2004-0927 - The Press - Group raises profile of psychiatric abuse
by Amanda Warren - A group seeking redress for alleged abuse in psychiatric hospitals hopes huge public response will bolster its calls for Government action. Helen Gilbert, a spokeswoman for psychiatric survivor groups, said calls had been flowing in to groups around the country following the coalition's July call for a new method of compensation.

2004-0927 - Coalition Abuse Victims - Calls for psychiatric redress gain momentum
Calls have been flowing into psych survivor groups around the country from people seeking redress over historic abuse received in New Zealand mental institutions. Spokesperson for the coalition of groups Helen Gilbert says that since the groups first called for the Government to set-up a redress process in July there has been a steady stream of phone calls to consumer groups around the country from vulnerable people wanting to tell their stories.

2004-0920 - NZ Herald - 300 ex-patients claim abuse
People continue to come forward alleging abuse and mistreatment by psychiatric hospital staff at Porirua and other hospitals. Wellington lawyer Roger Chapman, with lawyer Sonja Cooper, is spearheading action against the Crown on behalf of those claiming physical, emotional and sexual abuse at the hospitals in the 1960s and 1970s.

2004-0920 - Dominion Post - More claims of psych hospital abuse
by Haydon Dewes - More people continue to come forward to allege abuse and mistreatment at the hands of psychiatric hospital staff at Porirua and other hospitals. More than 300 people had come forward and that number was climbing, said Wellington lawyer Roger Chapman, who with lawyer Sonja Cooper is spearheading action against the Crown on behalf of those claiming physical, emotional and sexual abuse at the hospitals in the 1960s and 70s.

2004-0919 - One News - Hospital abuse claims rise
The number of claims alleging abuse and mistreatment at psychiatric hospitals during the 1960s and 70s is continuing to climb, as more former patients come forward. The Crown Law Office says there are now 77 individual claims from former patients - many of them relating to Porirua Hospital.

2004-0802 - Stuff - Govt seeks ways for abused patients to avoid court cases
NZPA - Attorney-General Margaret Wilson says she is exploring ways for former psychiatric patients to avoid court cases if they want to when they seek compensation for their abuse claims. The historic allegations surfaced earlier this year and cover claims of widespread mistreatment at most of New Zealand's mental hospitals in the 1960s and 1970s. Ms Wilson said yesterday that so far 68 individual claims had been filed in the High Court and she understood more than 300 people had not yet filed.

2004-0802 - NZ Herald - Psychiatric patients offered deal over abuse claims
Attorney-General Margaret Wilson has indicated to former psychiatric patients with abuse claims that she is willing to consider negotiated settlements if they want to avoid going through the courts. The claims in question largely relate to those from former Porirua Hospital patients.

2004-0802 - NZ Herald - Police told to hurry up on investigation into psychiatrist
by Martin Johnston - The police are taking too long to investigate criminal complaints against psychiatrist Selwyn Leeks, say supporters of patients behind the claims. On Saturday, the Weekend Herald revealed that the Government had paid a further $4.2 million in compensation to former psychiatric patients at Lake Alice Hospital, in addition to the $6.5 million paid to 95 others in 2001.

2004-0802 - Dominion Post - Psych survivors unite in compo fight
Psychiatric survivor groups are banding together in their fight for compensation for the institutional torture and abuse they suffered at the hands of the state. Human rights advocate Helen Gilbert said thousands of people had experienced abuse and torture at the hands of the state, ranging from electric shock treatment, medication and seclusion as punishment to unnecessary long-term incarceration.

2004-0731 - One News - Fomer patients want redress
Former mental health patients are calling for the Government to set up a national process to deal with historic claims of abuse at psychiatric intitutions. The Psych Survivors Redress Coalition, which represents patient groups across the country, is making the call following recent reports of abuse of patients at Porirua hospital.

2004-0731 - NZ Herald - Former Lake Alice patients win $4.2m payout
by Martin Johnston - The Government has paid a second wave of former psychiatric patients about $47,000 each, on average, in compensation for abuse they suffered at Lake Alice Hospital. The 88 who received the $4.2 million were patients of the hospital's notorious child and adolescent unit, run by psychiatrist Selwyn Leeks.

2004-0729 - NZ Herald - Compensation claim lawyers to meet
By Martin Johnston - Action to settle former mental hospital patients' compensation claims against the Crown for alleged abuse may be about to begin. Crown Law (the Government's lawyers) has arranged to meet lawyers acting for more than 200 former patients.

2004-0715 - The Press - Ex-Porirua Hospital worker speaks out
by Fran Tyler - Publicity over abuse at Porirua and other psychiatric hospitals has led to the number of claimants rising to more than 300 since legal action was first revealed two years ago. Wellington lawyer Sonja Cooper, one of those spearheading the joint action against the Crown, says of those at least 200 are claiming physical, emotional or sexual abuse at Porirua during the 1960s and 1970s. So far 65 claims have been filed in the High Court.

2004-0715 - Dominion Post - Abuse claims by patients reach 300
By Fran Tyler - Publicity over abuse at Porirua and other psychiatric hospitals has led to the number of claimants rising to more than 300 since legal action was first revealed by The Dominion Post two years ago. Wellington lawyer Sonja Cooper, one of those spearheading the joint action against the Crown, says that of those at least 200 are claiming physical, emotional or sexual abuse at Porirua during the 1960s and 70s.

2004-0710 - NZ Herald - Patients lived in fear of 'The Treatment'
by Phil Taylor - Brutal treatment of patients was the culture of the Porirua Mental Hospital in the 1960s, four former workers have said. The four women told the Weekend Herald that electric shock treatment was routinely used as punishment and patients were drugged into zombie-like states to make them more manageable. The women - students at the time - said part of their duties was to hold patients down while shock treatment was applied.

2004-0703 - Nelson Mail - Patient abuse claims on rise
by Sheriee Smith - Complaints of serious mistreatment of patients at Ngawhatu Psychiatric Hospital are mounting. Since the Government announced last month it was looking at more than 200 complaints of abuse at psychiatric hospitals around New Zealand, nine former patients at Nelson's Ngawhatu Hospital have lodged claims with Wellington lawyer Roger Chapman.