Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Psychiatric Hospitals Index

July-Dec 2004 Index


The Press
September 27 2004

Group raises profile of psychiatric abuse
by Amanda Warren

A group seeking redress for alleged abuse in psychiatric hospitals hopes huge public response will bolster its calls for Government action.

Helen Gilbert, a spokeswoman for psychiatric survivor groups, said calls had been flowing in to groups around the country following the coalition's July call for a new method of compensation.

The coalition believed a redress process would bring a much wider understanding of historic abuses in the mental health system. It would also offer opportunities for healing and closure not necessarily available in a more adversarial court system.

"Many of these people have survived some fairly horrific things themselves. To put people like that into a standard court environment is pretty rugged," Gilbert said.

Instead, the coalition had called on the Attorney-General to investigate an alternative redress system.

"Whatever the redress process is, it needs to be safe and have really good support for survivors; you need a safe place for people to tell their story," Gilbert said.

"You need an acknowledgement from the Crown that, yes, these things did happen: you need an apology and it needs to be some kind of public forum because it's really important to a lot of survivors that these things don't happen again.

"For a large number of people, there also needs to be a compensation mechanism."

Last month, Attorney-General Margaret Wilson said she was exploring ways for former psychiatric patients to avoid court cases while seeking compensation over abuse claims.

Widespread allegations surfaced this year about alleged mistreatment at most of New Zealand's mental hospitals in the 1960s and 1970s.

At the beginning of August, Wilson said 68 individual claims had been filed in the High Court, with more than 300 people still to file.

However, the coalition was disappointed by the lack of a "substantive" response and was seeking a meeting with Wilson.

The coalition represents groups in Wellington, Porirua, Auckland, Hamilton, the Bay of Plenty, Christchurch and Rotorua. It has recently been joined by a number of other groups from around the country.