Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Psychiatric Hospitals Index

July-Dec 2004 Index


Newstalk ZB
December 7 2004

Compensation kept separate from abuse claims

The Attorney-General says compensation issues must be kept separate from a new forum for psychiatric patients who claim they were abused.

The Confidential Forum for Former In-Patients of Psychiatric Hospitals, run by the Health Ministry and Internal Affairs, will provide a way for former psychiatric patients to formally register their claims.

It will invite former patients, their families and hospital staff members to tell of their experiences.

Margaret Wilson says it is a confidential and non-critical approach, but she says it will not deal with claims for damages because it is simply hearing allegations.

Ms Wilson says it is far more appropriate for the courts to judge truth.

However, lawyers for around 200 former psychiatric patients who claim they were abused in hospital say the proposed forum will offer no closure for their clients.

Lawyer Roger Chapman says the process will make no provision for acknowledgment of his clients' needs.

He says many have had their lives changed by their experiences and are seeking compensation.

He says the matter should be left to the courts to decide accountability and indicate an award of damages.

He says all former patients want is recognition and an apology from the Government for what happened to them.

He says the forum will achieve none of that.