Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Psychiatric Hospitals Index

July-Dec 2004 Index


One News
December 7 2004

No inquiry over abuse claims

Former psychiatric patients who claim they have suffered abuse will be given an opportunity to tell their stories at a confidential forum.

The government is setting up the forum so former patients, their families and former staff can gain acknowledgement of their experiences.

Attorney-General Margaret Wilson says they looked carefully at holding an inquiry, but many former psychiatric patients wanted a way to talk about their stories.

Wilson says where appropriate, a panel will refer people to mediation or counselling.

She says those seeking compensation or damages will have to go through the courts.

The Ombudsman, former judge Anand Satyanand, will chair the forum, which is open only to those who were inpatients before 1992.

Wilson says people hospitalised from 1992 have access to other complaint mechanisms.

Lawyer Sonja Cooper, who represents former psychiatric patients, says the forum will not meet the needs of the patients.

Cooper says it is crucial there is an acknowledgement the abuse happened, and that the patients receive some form of apology.