Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

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This page last updated September 22 2006

2005-1107 - ODT - Perils of unproven allegations
by Lynley Hood - News that police have found no evidence of criminal offending by Dr Selwyn Leeks, former head of the adolescent unit at Lake Alice Hospital, has been greeted with dismay by the Citizens Commission on Human Rights. ……Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), it should be noted, is a subsidiary of the virulently anti-psychiatry Church of Scientology. It has no connection with the Human Rights Commission, which is a government agency.

2005-1028 - NZ Lawyer - Reliable evidence and due process
by Lynley Hood - News that the police have found no evidence of criminal offending by psychiatrist Dr Selwyn Leeks, former head of the child and adolescent unit at Lake Alice Hospital, has been greeted with dismay by the psychiatric patient advocacy group, Citizen's Commission on Human Rights (CCHR)……………. The most significant recent development in almost 30 years of allegations of abuse at the Lake Alice child and adolescent unit is the 2001 report of retired High Court Judge Sir Rodney Gallen. After reviewing a clutch of allegations, Gallen advised government, "I am satisfied that in the main the allegations which have been made are true and reveal an appalling situation... The best summary I can make is that the children concerned lived in a state of extreme fear and hopelessness.

2005-0922 - Dominion Post - Inquiry finds no evidence of offending
by Kelly Andrew - A former Lake Alice patient is disgusted police have decided not to charge a psychiatrist accused of abusing young people there in the 1970s.  Police say they have found no evidence of criminal offending after investigating more than 20 complaints from former patients of Selwyn Leeks, who headed the child and adolescent unit of the now-closed hospital near Wanganui.

2005-0921 - NZ Herald - No proof of abuse by doctor, say police
by Martin Johnston - The police say they have no evidence of criminal offending by Dr Selwyn Leeks, the psychiatrist whom former patients accuse of abusing them with electric shock therapy in the 1970s…… A police national headquarters spokeswoman said yesterday: "there is no disclosed activity or intervention with patients at Lake Alice that amounts to criminal offending on the part of Dr Selwyn Leeks. On that basis there is neither requirement nor authority to seek the extradition of Dr Leeks from Australia."

2005-0803 - NZ Herald - New probe looks into Lake Alice
by Martin Johnston - An Australian medical authority has begun interviewing former Lake Alice Hospital patients, over their claims that they were mistreated under the regime of psychiatrist Dr Selwyn Leeks. The Medical Practitioners Board of Victoria is preparing for a formal hearing into the allegations against Dr Leeks, who headed the child and adolescent unit of the hospital near Wanganui.

2005-0707 - One News - Abuse claims in high court's hands
The fate of hundreds of historic compensation claims by former psychiatric patients who say they were abused while institutionalised is now in the hands of the high court. The former patients want the way cleared to sue the government for mistreatment dating back several decades at Porirua Hospital. A former patient, who wants to remain anonymous, claims that he was abused at the psychiatric hospital, where he was sent by his mother when he was just 14-years-old.

2005-0411 - Newstalk ZB - New appointments to abuse forum
The Internal Affairs' Minister has made two new appointments to the forum for former psychiatric patients who claim to have suffered abuse while in hospital….The new forum members are former IHC chief executive and Mental Health Commission chairwoman Jan Dowland and mental health consumer advisor Anne Helm.