Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

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2007 Reports


Radio NZ
April 19 2007; 11:55

Mental health worker accused of assaulting patient

A staff member at a Wellington mental health unit has been suspended after allegedly assaulting a patient.

The incident happened at Porirua Mental Hospital's Haumietiketike unit - a facility for intellectually disabled people whose behaviour poses a serious risk to themselves or others.

A spokesperson for a disabled patient who saw the incident claims the victim was repeatedly punched by the staff member, drawing blood.

Colin Burgering, says after the witness made a statement about the incident, senior staff allegedly tried to make him change his mind about what he saw.

Capital and Coast DHB spokesperson Nigel Fairley says it has received an allegation of assault by a staff member on a male patient.

He says the staff member was immediately stood down and the allegation is being investigated.

He says the DHB is greatly dismayed by the incident.