Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

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This page last updated July 19 2007

2007-0719 - Radio NZ - Former psychiatric patients granted leave to appeal over 1960s abuse

2007-0719 - Newswire - Former Psychiatric Patients May Appeal

2007-0713 - National Business Review - Mistreatment of Lake Alice patients continues

2007-0707 - Dominion Post - Forum for Reconciliation

2007-0706 - Waikato Times - Call for change

2007-0702 - Dominion Post - Patients step up pleas for government payout

2007-0630 - Timaru Herald - Mental health patients to sue Govt

2007-0630 - The Press - Former patients to sue

2007-0630 - Manawatu Standard - Record of abuse is 'words'

2007-0629 - Timaru Herald - Damning report on mental health care

2007-0629 - Three News - Advocate calls for compensation for psychiatric patients

2007-0629 - The Press - Psychiatric-care report

2007-0629 - Stuff - Compo for psychiatric patients 'a difficult issue'

2007-0629 - Southland Times - Damning report on abuse in institutions

2007-0629 - Radio NZ - More scrutiny of Mental Health sector needed - foundation

2007-0629 - Radio NZ - More counselling to be offered to former mental patients

2007-0629 - One News - Abuse won't be forgotten

2007-0629 - NZ Herald - Patients tell of neglect

2007-0629 - Newstalk ZB - Compo would be demeaning for some - Cullen

2007-0629 - Nelson Mail - Ngawhatu part of damning report

2007-0629 - National Party - Lake Alice - Do the right thing

2007-0629 - Dominion Post - 'Zombie' patients tell of cruelty

2007-0629 - Dominion Post - Testaments of hidden desperation

2007-0628 - Radio NZ - No Govt apology offered over psychiatric care report

2007-0628 - One News - Psych report reveals harrowing stories

2007-0628 - One News - Damning psychiatric findings

2007-0628 - NZ Government - Report of the Confidential Forum presented

2007-0628 - NZ Government - Former Patients of Psychiatric Hospitals - Q n A

2007-0628 - Newswire - Report into psychiatric institutions released

2007-0628 - Newstalk ZB - Psych patients share horrors

2007-0628 - Green Party - Former patients deserve an apology, compensation

2007-0627 - NZ Government - Links to Report

2007-0601 - Dominion Post - Ex-patient to get day in court, 50 years on

2007-0501 - NZ Herald - Human rights complaint over hospital assault allegations

2007-0430 - Newswire - Complaint Over Treatment Of Mental Health Patients

2007-0421 - Radio NZ - Questions over training for mental health staff

2007-0421 - Newswire - Mental Health Staff Training Questioned

2007-0420 - Radio NZ - Second case of alleged patient assault confirmed

2007-0420 - Radio NZ - Questions over adequacy of training for union staff

2007-0420 - Radio NZ - MOH won't intervene

2007-0420 - Radio NZ - Earlier case of assault at Porirua with police

2007-0420 - One News - Health unit involved in assault scandal

2007-0420 - NZ Police - Police Investigating Alleged Assault At Haumietiketike

2007-0420 - Newswire - Police investigate assault on mental health patient

2007-0420 - Newstalk ZB - Incident investigated at mental health unit

2007-0420 - Dominion Post - Staff sacked after 'assaults' on patients

2007-0419 - Radio NZ - Mental health worker accused of assaulting patient

2007-0419 - Radio NZ - Lawyer concerned about double standards

2007-0419 - Newstalk ZB - Porirua mental health worker suspended