Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

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2007 Reports


The Dominion Post
April 20 2007

Staff sacked after 'assaults' on patients
by Rebecca Palmer

Two staff have been fired and a third suspended after two alleged assaults on intellectually disabled patients in a secure unit.

Police are investigating one of the alleged assaults at the Haumietiketike secure unit in Porirua. Capital and Coast District Health Board is still doing its own investigation into the second.

The board's director of forensic, rehabilitation and intellectual disability services Nigel Fairley said Capital and Coast was "greatly dismayed" by the two incidents.

Haumietiketike is a secure unit for intellectually disabled people who have been involved with the courts and have behaviour that poses a serious risk to themselves or others. It opened in 2004.

Mr Fairley said two staff members were immediately suspended after allegedly assaulting a male patient in February. They were later dismissed ter an internal investigation. The matter was also referred to police.

"This was a deeply regrettable incident and we have apologised to this patient."

Constable James Wichington, of Porirua CIB, confirmed police were investigating a complaint. "We're still continuing initial inquiries."

Mr Fairley said that in the past two weeks, Capital and Coast had received another complaint about a different patient being assaulted. "This staff member was immediately suspended and the incident is under investigation."

The health board could not comment further till the investigation was complete. It is understood the patients suffered minor injuries.

The 11-bed unit, on the grounds of the former Porirua Hospital, takes intellectually disabled patients from the South Island and lower North Island. Eight other beds are in two "step-down cottages" next to the unit.