Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

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2007 Reports


Green Party
June 28 2007

Former patients deserve an apology, compensation
Press Release

The former patients whose stories made such harrowing reading in today's Report of the Confidential Forum should get an apology and compensation similar to that awarded to former Lake Alice patients who suffered abuse, the Green Party says.

"I am pleased that these former patients, their families and staff have had the opportunity to tell their stories, but I don't think that is enough," Spokesperson on Mental Health Sue Bradford says.

"These vulnerable people were supposed to be in the care of trained professionals whose job it was to help them get well, but instead, it's clear that many were mistreated and abused.

"They deserve some recognition that the Government of the day failed to ensure their safety and at the very least a heart-felt apology should be forthcoming.

"The precedent was set in 2001, when a group of former Lake Alice patients received a total payout of $6.5 million and a formal apology."

Ms Bradford said she also wanted to know if any investigation had been carried out to find out if those staff identified as abusers were still working in the sector.