Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

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2007 Reports


Newstalk ZB
June 28 2007; 17:16

Psych patients share horrors

The findings of an inquiry into the country's psychiatric institutions have been released today.

The confidential forum heard from around 500 former patients and their families over almost two years who were institutionalised before the Mental Health Act was changed in 1992

Former patients talked of being scarred for life, having been forced to sleep in large dormitories with beds close together and spending days locked in dirty, noisy, smoke filled day rooms infested with cockroaches and rats. They report having no doors on toilets and being forced to line up naked to be hosed down before showering, or taking a bath in cold water already used by others.

The forum was headed by Judge Patrick Mahoney, who emphasised patient suffering. Judge Mahoney said patients spoke of physical violence among patients and on occasion inflicted by staff, including instances of sexual abuse.

The Government is now considering how to apologise and possibility compensate those affected