Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

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2007 Reports


June 28 2007; 15:35

Report into psychiatric institutions released

Former in-patients of psychiatric hospitals have talked of rape, physical and mental abuse, bullying and fear in a harrowing report released today.

The Government's just released the final report of a group set up three years ago to help those in psychiatric institutions until late 1992 to come to terms with the experience.

The Confidential Forum was set up by the Government with a focus on reconciliation rather than truth, blame or compensation.

Almost 500 people attended hearings, and the report paints a bleak picture of their experiences.

Most of those involved were patients at places like Kingseat and Cherry Farm between the 1940s and 90s, and they had no choice over their admission or treatment.

The report details their fear, humiliation, beatings, sexual misconduct and abuse, and over-medication.

The Government's welcomed the report and is to extend support services to all former patients in State care during the period.