Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

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2007 Reports


NZ National Party
June 29 2007

Lake Alice - Do the right thing
Dr Jonathan Coleman MP
National Party Associate Health Spokesman

The release of the report into abuses at state-run psychiatric institutions is a timely reminder that the Government has still not delivered justice for claimants in the Lake Alice Inquiry, says National Party Associate Health spokesman (Mental Health) Jonathan Coleman.

"The Labour Cabinet secretly withheld $35,000 in compensation that Sir Rodney Gallen awarded a patient following the Lake Alice Inquiry. That was challenged in the High Court. The Government lost, and subsequently decided not to appeal the decision.

"As a result of that precedent, in the High Court there are 87 other second-round claimants who are still awaiting $3 million that this Government decided to take from them.

"That is money that rightfully belongs to a vulnerable group of people who had their lives ruined because of abuse at the hands of the state.

"Rather than nodding gravely at this latest damning report, the Attorney-General needs to live up to his professed belief in social justice and write out the cheques that the High Court determined these people are due."