Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Psychiatric Hospitals: Home

2007 Reports


Southland Times
June 29 2007

Damning report on abuse in institutions
by Colin Espiner

The Government is considering compensation for nearly 500 former patients in mental health institutions after a damning report detailing physical, mental and sexual abuse during their confinement.

The report of a confidential forum for former patients of New Zealand's psychiatric hospitals, released yesterday, details the experiences of 493 people held in institutions from Dunedin to Auckland between 1940 and 1992, including five Christchurch psychiatric hospitals. Many have since closed.

Some former patients have already started civil proceedings against the Crown, but forum chairman Judge Patrick Mahoney said yesterday most simply wanted an apology from the Crown for experiences "that were deeply humiliating and demeaning, often taking a life-long toll" .

Neither an offer of compensation nor an apology was forthcoming yesterday. The Government said it was still weighing its response.

Former patients told of being held in dirty, overcrowded hospital rooms; being subjected to physical and sexual violence; of fear and humiliation; use of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT); over-medication; and lack of privacy.

Patients described care by staff as "ranging from indifference and lack of respect to callous, threatening, abusive and/or violent treatment" , the forum's report says. "Participants described a culture of threats, verbal abuse, taunting, goading and bullying. They described beatings and patients being dragged by their hair to seclusion rooms," it says.

Some participants alleged rape and other sexual misconduct by staff and other patients, including forming sexual relationships with staff, sexual taunting and sexual violation. "Participants almost universally used the words `sexual abuse' when speaking of what they had experienced." Treatment practices at the hospitals came in for heavy criticism in the report, including the use of solitary confinement in dark and dirty rooms with no toilet.

Some participants alleged ECT had been used on pregnant women and without medication as a punishment.

"They spoke of waiting with others for ECT and building levels of fear as their turn approached; of hearing the screams of others as they received ECT," the report says.

Participants said their medication was heavy, leaving them "zombies" , and led in some cases to long-term damage.

The panel makes no recommendations and does not test the evidence provided by participants, and does not identify patients or link events with specific hospitals.

But it lists 53 psychiatric units mentioned by former patients, including Christchurch's Hillmorton, Princess Margaret, Sunnyside, Templeton and Calvary hospitals.