Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

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2007 Reports


Manawatu Standard
June 30 2007

Record of abuse is 'words'
by Janine Rankin

More words, but not much justice, is former Lake Alice patient Stephen McMahon's * summation of Judge Patrick Mahony's report that records the abuse of 400 psychiatric patients in state-run institutions from 1940 to 1992.

"We have all been hearing this sort of thing for a long time, and I don't have a lot of faith in the system."

Mr McMahon * was one of those who did receive a public apology and a share of government compensation in 2001 for his suffering while a teenager at Lake Alice.

But he said while a second group of patients was still waiting for the Government to pay them the full value of their settlement as ordered by the courts, it would continue to be difficult for others who had been abused and mistreated to get an apology or compensation.

Health Minister Pete Hodgson and attorney-general Michael Cullen haven't made any promises about what actions will follow the forum report.

"They should pay the people out," Mr McMahon * said. "It is about money in the end. A letter of apology is not going to buy a loaf of bread."


* Name changed on request