Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

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2007 Reports


The Dominion Post
July 7 2007

Forum for Reconciliation
Letter to the Editor
Dr John S Werry, Emeritus professor of psychiatry, Auckland University

The recently released report of the Forum for Reconciliation for former psychiatric patients (June 29) should raise questions about the process. As I understand it, the forum had no brief to examine the truth of allegations of abuse, only provide a forum for the ventilation.

The appointment of a judge to head the forum surely gave promise that justice would be seen to be done. How can this occur without allowing rebuttal?

Are we really to believe that famous New Zealanders who worked in mental hospitals then, such as Dame Margaret Bazely, Fraser McDonald and Henry Bennett, were part of some sadistic system?

Living conditions in psychiatric hospitals then were little different from those of many contemporaneous Maori, solo mothers or elderly. The humane reforms in psychiatry in the past 50 years weren't brought about by public clamour but by the activities of a small group of professionals, and an increasingly numerous and better trained workforce, coupled with more prosperous times.

A process that purports to be for reconciliation cannot succeed by creating a new class of victims of those who worked or work in the mental health services.