Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

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2007 Reports


Radio NZ
July 19 2007 11:06

Former psychiatric patients granted leave to appeal over 1960s abuse

A Court of Appeal ruling has put a group of former psychiatric patients one step closer to an appeal over claims of abuse.

The claims date to the 1960s and 1970s, when patients say they were physically and sexually abused at Porirua Hospital and other institutions.

The Crown Health Funding Authority, which now runs the institutions, says it is immune from the claims because they were not made within six months of the incidents.

It wants the cases struck out. However the latest Court of Appeal ruling says it is questionable whether the CHFA is immune.

A lawyer for the patients, Roger Chapman, says he can now oppose the Crown's application to strike them out.

Around 100 claims seeking millions of dollars in compensation have been lodged by former patients.






Radio NZ
July 19 2007 09:50

Former psychiatric patients granted leave to appeal over 1960s abuse

The Court of Appeal has granted a group of former psychiatric patients leave to appeal over claims of alleged abuse.

The claims date back to the 1960s and 70s, when patients say they were physically and sexually abused at Wellington's Porirua Hospital and other institutions.

The Crown Health Funding Authority, which is now in charge of mental health institutions, says the Crown is immune from such action and wants the cases struck out.

But the Court of Appeal says it is questionable whether the authority is immune, and former patients may be able to appeal on this ground.