Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Salvation Army Homes - Main Index

Index 2003 (Sept-Dec)

Timaru Herald
September 24 2003

Salvation Army
Letter to the Editor
by Cath Gilmour,  Christchurch

Of recent days I was distressed to read reported abuse in Salvation Army homes both here in New Zealand and Australia.

The Whatman Boys Home in Masterton was one home specifically mentioned. My older brother, now in his 70s, was cared for in that home. He never heard of or experienced any abuse in the 10 years he was there.

I myself with my three sisters were in the care of the Salvation Army Girls Home in Wellington.

We were all there for our school days and have very happy memories of the care we received there.

The staff were extremely kind, and on Sunday if it was too wet to walk the 20 minutes to the church service, we were all given breakfast in bed. No small feat for the staff looking after 30 or more children.

Now in my 69th year I look back on those years and am very grateful for the love and care we were given there.