Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Salvation Army Homes - Main Index

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This page last updated May 7 2005

2003-1209 - One News - CYF to look into Sally Army abuse
A group of people at the centre of the Salvation Amy abuse scandal is welcoming a decision by a government agency to investigate their claims. The former state wards have been asking Child, Youth and Family to intervene for months. But its inquiry won't deal with complaints from alleged victims who were not state wards.

2003-1112 - One News - Salvation Army letters cause upset
The Salvation Army is being accused of trying to avoid financial liability over claims of abuse in its children's homes. It is investigating allegations of bad treatment in its institutions, but its lawyers are now writing to alleged victims ruling out any legal right to compensation. One alleged victim of abuse, Fay Chase, says she is still in shock about the letter she received.

2003-1014 - Dominion Post - Abuse group sees McClay as part of Salvation Army
A group planning to take legal action against the Salvation Army is refusing to deal with the religious charity's independent watchdog, Roger McClay. The Salvation Army is holding an inquiry into claims of abuse alleged to have taken place at its former children's homes. It appointed former children's commissioner Mr McClay as an independent monitor of its investigation last week.

2003-1013 - One News - Salvation Army's choice questioned
There are claims of a conflict of interest in the Salvation Army's investigation into child abuse after the organisation appointed former Children's Commissioner to review the allegations. Roger McClay has been appointed by the Salvation Army to look into the dozens of allegations, but a number who claim they were abused as children while in the care of the Salvation Army, are questioning McClay's independence.

2003-1011 - One News - McClay to monitor abuse claims
The Salvation Army has appointed former children's commissioner Roger McClay as an independent monitor as it deals with allegations of abuse in its children's homes. A number of people have alleged they were physically or sexually abused in Salvation Army homes from the 1930s to the mid 1970s.

2003-1009 - Timaru Herald - Boys Home
Letter by by L Brown - am writing to say how well I was treated during my upbringing at the Salvation Army Bramwell Booth Boys Home at Temuka. We were given a good grounding in all life skills. In all the time I was there I found them firm but fair.

2003-1003 - NZ Herald - Sexual abuse accused still with Salvation Army
Two Salvation Army employees accused of sexually abusing children are still working for the church. Commissioner Shaw Clifton said the alleged offenders - a man and a woman - now held management positions with the army.

2003-1003 - Dominion Post - Sallies staff accused of abuse still at work
by Leanne Bell - Two Salvation Army employees accused of sexually abusing children decades ago are still working for the religious charity. Commissioner Shaw Clifton, responsible for the Salvation Army in New Zealand, said the alleged offenders -- a man and a woman -- now held management positions with the Salvation Army.

The Salvation Army had received 23 formal claims, of which 15 had emerged after recent publicity, and an office has been set up to deal with former residents. "The investigation is not a flabby, ad hoc thing," he said……. The army was tailoring its response to each former resident's request. It had not yet involved the police but would do so if it was appropriate.

2003-0930 - The Press - Salvation Army
Letter by Alastair Burry - …..a group of former inmates of Salvation Army orphanages, having discovered recollections of physical and sexual abuse after 30 years, are said to be preparing to sue. The implications are serious. Many who recognise the Salvation Army's great social services will hesitate to continue financial support if they perceive their donations are being siphoned off into the pockets of vengeful litigants and the legal profession.

2003-0930 - Southland Times - Army homes
Letter by Cath Gilmour - My older brother, now in his 70s, was cared for in [the Whatman Boys home in Masterton], but he never heard of or experienced any abuse in the 10 years he was there.

2003-0924 - Timaru Herald - SalvationArmy.htm
Letter by Cath Gilmour - I myself with my three sisters were in the care of the Salvation Army Girls Home in Wellington. We were all there for our school days and have very happy memories of the care we received there. The staff were extremely kind,

2003-0912 - Timaru Herald - Four complaints from Temuka home
The Salvation Army now has four written complaints regarding the treatment children received at its Bramwell Booth Children's Home at Temuka in the early 1970s. The army's secretary for programme Major Alistair Herring yesterday confirmed that four of the five people who had approached the army, alleging physical or sexual abuse while they were at the home, have now lodged formal written complaints. In all, the army now has 21 such complaints, 13 of which have been received in recent weeks.

2003-0912 - One News - Wider Salvation Army inquiry wanted
Claims of abuse in children's homes run by the Salvation Army may yet trigger an independent inquiry. The Salvation Army is conducting its own investigation but the minister responsible for children says some sort of action will have to be taken if there's evidence of widespread abuse. Some alleged abuse victims are demanding government action. Roy Skinner says he suffered repeated sexual and physical abuse when he was a six-year-old state ward in the Salvation Army's care

2003-0906 - Dominion Post - Shame of abuse in care home lives on
by Sue Allen - More than 50 years on, a Hawke's Bay woman lives with the guilt and shame of what she says happened to her in a Salvation Army home. She wants an apology. The 57-year-old's story of abuse while in care is increasingly familiar as the number of complaints against the church rises. In recent weeks, 28 new allegations of both physical and sexual abuse have been notified to the Sallies, taking the total to 36 so far. Most stem from the Whatman home in Masterton and the Hodderville home in south Waikato.

2003-0905 - The Press - Speaking out for abuse victims
by Anna Claridge - As a 12-year-old, Brent Aplin lay in his bed, dreading the night ahead and what the early hours of the morning might bring. It wasn't a childish fear of the dark that made him anxious. He says it was the reality of sexual abuse at the hands of a Salvation Army children's home manager.

2003-0903 - Waikato Times - City protest against Sallies to continue
by Tracey Cooper - A Hamilton man who staged a two-hour protest outside the Salvation Army church on Sunday plans to do it again this weekend. Peter Murphy said he had received a lot of public support during his protest against alleged abuse of children in Salvation Army care. Mr Murphy's complaint is one of 36 cases of alleged abuse being investigated by the Salvation Army