Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Salvation Army Homes - Main Index

Index 2004

Waikato Times
January 28 2004

Abuse claims
Letter to the Editor
by Anton Roest, Hamilton

It's good that P J Murphy has finally revealed why he's so vehemently anti-Christian.

His claim that he was abused as a boy by Salvation Army officers some 50 years ago (Waikato Times letters, December 29) explains why he has persistently expressed hatred towards God, Christianity and the Bible through his many letters to your paper over the years.

It's good that he's come to recognise his unhappy childhood experiences as the root cause of his anger and bitterness as an adult. But his attempts at revenge by besmirching a worthwhile organisation through toxic letters to newspapers become tiresome and are not solutions to anything. His generalisations and inferences are unsubstantiated and seem intended to slander members of The Salvation Army.

No credible organisation condones child abuse and cannot be held responsible for the offending of an individual employee. If Mr Murphy really wants justice, why doesn't he go to the police himself and lay a complaint?

I suggest he seek professional counselling, deal with it and spare us the invectives.