Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Salvation Army Homes - Main Index

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This page last updated May 7 2005

2004-0718 - Sunday Star Times - The Sins of the fathers
Letter by Peter Murphy - For many years the Roman Catholic Church, the Salvation Army and perhaps other religious outfits, have protected abusers by covering up when complaints have been made. Abusers were moved to locations where their history was not known, to continue abusing. In the Salvation Army known abusers were promoted.

2004-0313 - The Press - Sallies pay restitution to abused children
by Yvonne Martin - The Salvation Army has started paying compensation to people claiming to have been abused as children while in the religious charity's care. At least two people from the army's former childrens homes have had their claims settled and others are considering financial offers. Complainants are believed to have received about $8000. Another woman was offered more than $20,000, but has not accepted the gesture. The Salvation Army is investigating at least 36 formal complaints of physical or sexual abuse, mostly from the 1940s and 1950s. Some allegations were of older boys abusing younger boys, but most related to staff.

2004-0313 - Dominion Post - Abuse compensation
The Salvation Army has begun paying compensation to people claiming to have been abused as children while in its care. At least two people from former children's homes have had claims settled and others are considering offers. Complainants are believed to have received about $8000. One woman was offered more than $20,000, but has not accepted

2004-0203 - Waikato Times - Far astray
Letter from Peter Murphy - My report to the Hamilton police station some years ago did not get beyond the front desk and was not even written on the blotter. Currently there is a limited government inquiry into the Salvation Army's treatment of state wards. Those of us who had our accommodation paid for by parents or other family members make up the overwhelming majority of complainants. We are excluded. Our evidence will not be heard.

2004-0128 - Waikato Times - Abuse claims
Letter b
y Anton Roest - It's good that P J Murphy has finally revealed why he's so vehemently anti-Christian. His claim that he was abused as a boy by Salvation Army officers some 50 years ago explains why he has persistently expressed hatred towards God, Christianity and the Bible through his many letters to your paper over the years.

2004-0117 - Waikato Times - A survivor's case
Letter b
y Peter Murphy - The Salvation Army campaigns against many forms of adult leisure activities. High on their list of taboos is consensual sex between adults under most circumstances. They have for decades attracted to their ranks and protected from investigation people who practise recreational violence and sex with non-consenting children.