Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Salvation Army Homes - Main Index

Index 2004

Waikato Times
February 3 2004

Far astray
Letter to the Editor
by P J Murphy, Hamilton

Anton Roest's budget psychology is as far astray as his understanding of the issues surrounding Salvation Army abuse.

Many complaints have been made over the decades to every government organisation he could think of. Some complaints have even gone to the UN. My report to the Hamilton police station some years ago did not get beyond the front desk and was not even written on the blotter.

Currently there is a limited government inquiry into the Salvation Army's treatment of state wards. Those of us who had our accommodation paid for by parents or other family members make up the overwhelming majority of complainants. We are excluded. Our evidence will not be heard.

It is regrettable that Mr Roest and others may be made to feel uncomfortable by my letters but this is the only forum available in which to raise the concerns of a large number of people. It is not my fault that press releases from the spokesperson of Salvation Army Abuse Survivors do not appear in print outside of Wellington.

It is the Salvation Army itself which has cast suspicion on its officers by sheltering among them the rotten ones.

They are currently directing complainants towards an insurance company for some reason. The last letter I received from them said there was nothing they could do for me.