Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

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St Josephs Orphanage, Upper Hutt


August 3 2005

Abuse claimant screams in court

A Wellington courtroom has rung with the screams of a woman who says she was brutalised and sexually abused while in the care of nuns.

Yesterday's High Court session had been going only a few minutes before the woman, 45 and now living in Australia, began screaming at a lawyer.

The woman, whose name was suppressed, was asked why Catholic Social Services files did not record where she was placed during school holidays, and she screamed at lawyer Greg Thomas to ask Catholic Social Services.

Justice Frater left and when court resumed the woman apologised. "I am sorry for being a naughty girl, I am trying to be a good girl."

The woman said she was raped during one holiday away from school, by a man who is now dead.

"(He's) dead, leave him alone, he did what he did to me. He is dead, leave him alone, leave me alone."

She began shouting again when asked what year she said her grandfather raped her during one of her Sunday visits to his flat.

"You know I have problems with that. Stop it," she yelled.

The woman is suing the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Wellington, Catholic Social Services, The Sisters of Mercy (Wellington) Trust Board, and St Joseph's Orphanage Trust Board, for $550,000.

She was at St Joseph's, Upper Hutt, from 1968 to 1973, spent some months with a foster family and then went to St Mary's as a boarder.

The defendants deny her allegations and say there are legal reasons why her claim cannot succeed.

The woman and her six siblings were put into care after their parents separated. She became particularly upset when asked how she felt about her mother.

Until she had spoken to a psychiatrist she said she blamed her mother for everything that happened.

"She is my mum, I hate her . . . guts for putting me in that hellhole, but she is not to blame for what happened in there."

The woman said she had always expected to be reunited with her family. "I didn't know I was going to be at that hellhole for that many years."

She became angry again when Mr Thomas asked for details about an incident in which she said a priest made her give him oral sex.

"Do you think I was going to look at the . . . time, don't be so . . . stupid.

"I had just been sexually assaulted by a . . . priest, a man who was supposed to be looking after me . . . You dickhead."

She said she dry retched and vomited in the garden after the incident. The nuns had reprimanded her for being upset.

She agreed she may have had an adolescent crush on one of the men whose family she stayed with when she was 12 or 13.

She had masturbated him several times, and he had never asked her to stop, she said. She denied making up the masturbation story.

The case is continuing.