Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Abuse in NZ Institutions - Main Index

St Josephs Orphanage, Upper Hutt

This page last updated September 16 2005

2005-0916 - Otago Daily Times - Only two claims serious, court told
Chris Finlayson

Chris Finlayson
Defence lawyer

NZPA - Today’s standards should not be applied to orphanages in the 1960s and ’70s, the lawyer defending Catholic organisations from a $550,000 abuse claim said yesterday…………….. Mr Finlayson said the law could not get involved in minor incidents of perceived unkindness, harshness or indignities. Only two allegations against the Sisters of Mercy were serious, he said - that a nun had slapped the claimant’s ear so that her eardrum burst and that she was knocked unconscious several times by blows to the head.

2005-0916 - Dominion Post - Orphanage case built on fiction, says lawyer
A woman suing Catholic organisations alleging abuse and neglect unwittingly built a fiction around remote, minor events, a lawyer says. In the High Court at Wellington yesterday Chris Finlayson said a huge injustice would be done if today's standards were applied to the care and discipline at St Joseph's Orphanage, Upper Hutt, in the 1960s and 70s.

2005-0915 - Dominion Post - Early life affects adult, court told
The feelings of a woman accusing Catholic organisations of abuse and neglect may strongly influence her perception of what happened to her, a psychiatrist says. Dr Tony Marks is the second psychiatrist to give evidence about the woman, now 45, who alleges various forms of abuse while in Catholic care in the 1960s and 70s.

2005-0915 - Otago Daily Times - Doctor questions woman’s recall of events
NZPA - The feelings of a woman accusing Catholic organisations of abuse and neglect might strongly influence her perception of what happened to her, a psychiatrist said yesterday…….. The psychiatrists agree on her diagnoses but have told Justice Frater, who is hearing the case in the High Court at Wellington, they disagree on the reliance that can be placed on the claimant’s recall of events.

2005-0914 - Dominion Post - Blow 'unlikely' to tear eardrum
A former orphanage girl's torn eardrum was very unlikely to have been the result of a blow, a specialist has told a High Court judge. Peter Blake was giving evidence in Wellington yesterday for two of the Catholic organisations being sued for $550,000 by a former St Joseph's Orphanage girl.

2005-0913 - Dominion Post - Nun used strap on orphans court told
A grateful former St Joseph's Orphanage girl says she felt much safer there than at home, but has confirmed a disputed allegation that girls were strapped. An older girl who was assigned to "buddy" Eve Bon in 1971 at the Upper Hutt orphanage is suing the Sisters of Mercy and three other Catholic organisations for $550,000, alleging various forms of mistreatment and neglect in their care.

2005-0913 - Otago Daily Times - Nun at orphanage used strap, court told
NZPA - A former St Joseph’s Orphanage girl says she felt much safer there than at home, but has confirmed a disputed allegation that girls were strapped. An older girl who was assigned to “buddy” Eve Bon in 1971 at the Upper Hutt orphanage is suing the Sisters of Mercy and three other Catholic organisations for $550,000, alleging various forms of mistreatment and neglect in their care.

2005-0906 - Dominion Post - Former teacher saw no signs of orphan abuse
A retired Upper Hutt teacher says she never saw evidence of physical or psychological abuse in St Joseph's Orphanage children she taught. ……..In the High Court at Wellington yesterday, Joan Jenkins, who taught at St Joseph's school for most of the years between 1957 to 1987, said the Sisters of Mercy nuns who taught at the school were not always easy on the children and expected them to do as they were told, but she believed the nuns had high hopes for the children.

2005-0906 - Otago Daily Times - TeacherSaw.htm
A retired Upper Hutt teacher says she never saw evidence of physical or psychological abuse in children she taught at St Josephs Orphanage. Other witnesses have supported allegations of excessive discipline but their allegations are denied.

2005-0820 - Otago Daily Times - Nun denies hitting child at orphanage
NZPA - A nun has denied damaging the eardrum of a child in her care more than 30 years ago by slapping the side of her head. The assault claim is one of the allegations a 45-year-old woman, whose name is suppressed, has made against nuns of the Sisters of Mercy in the High Court at Wellington.

2005-0820 - Dominion Post - Nun denies slapping child
After three weeks, the hearing was adjourned yesterday till September 5 when more nuns are expected to give evidence. The nun accused of injuring the claimant's ear said the sisters tried to make the orphanage a home for the children. She did not remember using corporal punishment, or shouting at or abusing children. She did not see anyone else beat a child, she said.

2005-0819 - Otago Daily Times - Damages awards not like Lotto: lawyer
NZPA - Court-awarded damages should not be like Lotto, a lawyer for Wellington nuns being sued for $550,000 says. Making the Sisters of Mercy pay damages would be like making parents pay damages for the way a child was raised, which courts had always been reluctant to do except in cases involving physical safety, Chris Finlayson told the High Court at Wellington yesterday.

2005-0819 - Dominion Post - Damage awards not like Lotto says nuns' lawyer
Court-awarded damages should not be like Lotto, a lawyer for Wellington nuns being sued for $550,000, has said. Making Sisters of Mercy pay damages would be like making parents pay damages for the way a child was raised, which courts had always been reluctant to do except in cases involving physical safety, lawyer Chris Finlayson said.

2005-0818 - Dominion Post - Rape claims 'beyond belief'
One of the men accused of sexually abusing a woman who was in Catholic care in the 1970s has said the allegation is "absolute rubbish". The man, whose name was suppressed, gave evidence in the High Court at Wellington yesterday against his accuser…..The man she accused, a former neighbour, said in court yesterday that the allegations were completely untrue, beyond belief and laughable. She said she was raped after a drinking game, but he said there was no game

2005-0817 - Otago Daily Times - Teen had boundary issues, court told
NZPA - A teenager who had spent years in institutional care did not always understand the “boundaries” of family life, a former foster father said in court yesterday. In the High Court at Wellington, the man, whose name was suppressed, said he once turned off the hot water when the teenager had been too long in the shower, and flicked her hand with the flat side of a knife when she picked at meat as he was carving a roast

2005-0817 - Dominion Post - Abuse claimant was 'demanding'
A teenager who had spent years in institutional care did not always understand "boundaries" that family life required, a former foster father says. The teenager concerned is now 45 and is suing four Catholic organisations for $550,000 for emotional, verbal, physical and sexual abuse she says she suffered while growing up.

2005-0816 - Otago Daily Times - Ex-social worker admits taking no action
NZPA - A retired social worker has admitted not taking any action even though she considered a teenager highly institutionalised and socially deprived. The now 82-year-old gave evidence yesterday via video link from Auckland to the High Court at Wellington, where one of her former clients is suing four Catholic groups for $550,000.

2005-0816 - Dominion Post - Abuse claimant 'highly institutionalised, deprived'
During 1973 a CSS social worker noted signs of social deprivation. A foster family placement lasted a few months. The father thought she was obsessed with sexual matters, describing her at 13 or 14 as a "ripe plum" ready to drop into the lap of the first man to come along. Earlier that year a holiday host had found the claimant's "adolescent crush" on her husband hard to deal with.

2005-0813 - Otago Daily Times - Brother sides with Catholic case
NZPA - The brother of a woman suing Catholic authorities for abuse has given evidence for the Catholic side of the case. In the High Court at Wellington yesterday, one of his sister’s lawyers asked if he had been sexually abused at a Catholic boys home near Nelson or on private holiday placements. He said that he was not abused on holidays, but at the home they were sometimes cleaned “a little bit better” than they needed to be.

2005-0813 - Dominion Post - Life in Catholic home 'tough'
The brother of a woman suing Catholic authorities for abuse while in care has hinted that nuns touched him inappropriately….. The man was giving evidence for the Catholic side of the case against his sister and he defended Catholic Social Services' role in his upbringing. A social worker had been like a big sister to him, and the service had been good to him. It arranged reunions of the seven children in their family who were split up when their parents separated, he said.

2005-0812 - Otago Daily Times - Former priest denies abuse at orphanage
NZPA - A former priest with sex crime convictions has denied sexually abusing a girl at an Upper Hutt orphanage more than 30 years ago. The woman who made the allegation against him is suing four Catholic groups for $550,000, claiming she was abused physically, emotionally, verbally and sexually while in Catholic care. The former priest, whose name is suppressed, told the High Court at Wellington yesterday he was jailed in 1994 on charges of sexual violation relating to a female over the age of 16.

2005-0812 - Dominion Post - Convicted priest denies abusing orphanage girl
In the High Court at Wellington yesterday the former priest, whose name is suppressed, said he had been jailed in 1994 on charges of sexual violation relating to a female over the age of 16.  But under cross-examination he agreed the sentencing judge had decided the offences had begun when the girl was 13. He agreed he thought he could get away with the difference relying on an inaccurate Justice Ministry document he had been given. He denied intending to lie, but agreed that was how it appeared

2005-0811 - Otago Daily Times - Court told of neglect
NZPA - The mother of a woman accusing Catholic Social Services of negligence rejected her own children and refused to have them reunited, a judge has been told. The mother took little interest in her seven children and placed her three daughters with the Sisters of Mercy at St Josephs orphanage, Upper Hutt, lawyer Greg Thomas said in the High Court at Wellington yesterday. One of the daughters, now 45, is claiming $550,000 alleging she was emotionally, physically, verbally, and sexually abused during the years she was in Catholic care between 1968 and 1977. Her name is suppressed.

2005-0811 - Dominion Post - Mother 'refused efforts to reunite her children'
One of the daughters, now 45, is claiming $550,000. She is alleging she was emotionally, physically, verbally and sexually abused during the years she was in Catholic care between 1968 and 1977. Her name is suppressed. Acting for Wellington's Roman Catholic Archdiocese and Catholic Social Services, its main social service agency, Mr Thomas said the court should be sceptical about the woman's credibility. Her claim was not accepted on factual and legal grounds, he said.

2005-0810 - Otago Daily Times - Orphanage grim place, court told
NZPA - A Catholic orphanage in Upper Hutt in the 1960s would have done the Gestapo proud, a High Court judge has been told. In Wellington yesterday, former resident Shirley Ford told the court the orphanage was a loveless wasteland. Leaving was like being released from prison, she said

2005-0810 - Dominion Post - Orphanage regime 'a loveless wasteland'
Another woman, whose name was suppressed, said she had tried to block out the time in the early 1960s she spent at the orphanage. The nuns punished her for crying, and she was never allowed to grieve for her mother, who had committed suicide. The verbal abuse was horrible and the nuns physically lashed out, she said.

2005-0806 - Dominion Post - Sister tells of being force-fed tripe
The sister of a woman suing Catholic authorities for alleged abuse at the hands of nuns and priests has told a court of being force-fed tripe and boiled cabbage. Her sister is claiming $550,000 in a civil suit against the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Wellington, Catholic Social Services, the Sisters of Mercy (Wellington) Trust Board and St Joseph's Orphanage Trust Board.

2005-0806 - Otago Daily Times - Claimant’s sister tells of abuse at orphanage
The sister of a woman suing Catholic authorities for alleged abuse at the hands of nuns and priests has told a court of being force-fed tripe and boiled cabbage….. The nuns and priests also carried out exorcisms on her but when questioned by the lawyer for the Sisters of Mercy, Chris Finlayson, about what she remembered, she said she was prayed over, with them trying to get the devil out of her.  Several times she shouted at the lawyers when they questioned her memory of the years she spent there.

2005-0805 - Dominion Post - Abuse claimant 'caught in past'
A woman who says nuns hit and abused her at Catholic schools and an orphanage needed time to "get back" from the places she was talking about while giving evidence from the witness stand. "I am on the stairs, you have got to let me get out of the stairs," she told lawyer Chris Finlayson. The woman, who has name suppression, was still caught in the past when he tried to ask his next question. "Can I get down from the stairs please," she asked.

2005-0804 - One News - Woman suing church over alleged abuse
A lawyer for the Catholic Church has suggested to the High Court at Wellington that a serious ear injury suffered by a woman suing the church for alleged abuse was caused by infection, and not by a blow. …….. The complainant has told the court that she was beaten around the ear by a nun at St Mary's who found her copying another girls handwriting from a book and that she lived with a perforated ear drum for nearly ten years

2005-0804 - Dominion Post - Abuse claimant tells of deprivation
A woman suing Catholic authorities for $550,000, alleging a deprived and abusive upbringing, was also a debutante who wore stolen knickers, a court has been told. "Fancy being presented as a debutante when no one wants you," she laughed in the High Court at Wellington yesterday. And then she began crying. "And I am doing it so my brothers and sisters could be together."

2005-0804 - Otago Daily Times - ‘Deprived’ woman a deb who stole
A woman suing Catholic authorities for $550,000, alleging a deprived and abusive upbringing, was also a debutante who wore stolen knickers, a court has been told. “Fancy being presented as a debutante when no-one wants you,” she laughed in the High Court at Wellington yesterday. And then she began crying.

2005-0803 - Stuff - Abuse claimant screams in court
A Wellington courtroom has rung with the screams of a woman who says she was brutalised and sexually abused while in the care of nuns. Yesterday's High Court session had been going only a few minutes before the woman, 45 and now living in Australia, began screaming at a lawyer.

2005-0803 - Otago Daily Times - Screaming witness halts sex abuse claim case
NZPA - A woman who claims she was brutalised and sexually abused while in the care of nuns says she was raped during one holiday away from school by a man who is now dead. In the High Court at Wellington yesterday, the woman, whose name is suppressed, was asked why Catholic Social Services files did not record where she was placed during school holidays. The woman screamed at defence lawyer Greg Thomas to ask Catholic Social Services.

2005-0803 - NZ Herald - Collapse halts sex-abuse case
A woman suing the Catholic church over alleged physical and sexual abuse collapsed in the witness box at the High Court in Wellington yesterday halting the hearing. Earlier the woman hurled a folder of documents toward a lawyer and screamed, swore and cried under questioning. The respondents' lawyer had been questioning her about her alleged rape by a male member of a foster family approved by the church, she had stayed with in the mid-1970s

2005-0803 - Dominion Post - Abuse claimant screams in court
A Wellington courtroom has rung with the screams of a woman who says she was brutalised and sexually abused while in the care of nuns…… She began shouting again when asked what year she said her grandfather raped her during one of her Sunday visits to his flat. "You know I have problems with that. Stop it," she yelled. …….. She became angry again when Mr Thomas asked for details about an incident in which she said a priest made her give him oral sex

2005-0802 - One News - Swearing, screaming at sex abuse trial
A woman suing the Catholic Church for historical abuse has told the Wellington High Court that she hates her mother for putting her in St Joseph's orphanage in Upper Hutt….. Church lawyers cross-examined the woman who frequently became angry and frustrated and began screaming and swearing

2005-0802 - Otago Daily Times - Witness describes sex encounter with priest
NZPA - A woman broke down in court when asked to describe how she was made to perform oral sex on a priest. The woman (45) began weeping uncontrollably and her lawyer, Helen Cull, QC, had to speak the words for her to confirm in the High Court at Wellington yesterday

2005-0802- Stuff - Woman collapses in witness box during sex abuse case
A woman suing the Catholic church over alleged physical and sexual abuse collapsed in the witness box at the High Court in Wellington today, halting the hearing. Earlier the woman hurled a folder of documents toward a lawyer and screamed, swore and cried under questioning.  The respondents' lawyer had been questioning her about her alleged rape by a male member of a foster family approved by the church, she had stayed with in the mid-1970s. The woman began screaming when asked when and where she stayed with the family, She yelled: "Jesus ... I'm not an animal."

2005-0802 - NZ Herald - Orphanage a place of horror, says claimant
A woman suing the Catholic Church for alleged sexual, physical and emotional abuse sobbed loudly and became too distressed to speak as she gave evidence in the High Court at Wellington yesterday…….. She had recently remembered a man at the orphanage making her perform oral sex on him…….. She filed her lawsuit in 2001, after being given her file from the orphanage in 1999. She said it triggered many devastating memories.

2005-0802 - Dominion Post - Orphanage woman tells of priest's sex abuse
A woman broke down in court when asked to describe how she was made to perform oral sex on a priest. The woman, 45, began weeping uncontrollably ……. The woman says she was beaten unconscious, abused and made to feel worthless…….. She apologised if she wrongly accused people of actions. Some memories were clear of events but not who was involved.   The woman has been told that other former St Joseph's girls would give evidence of being well treated

2005-0801 - Stuff - Woman seeking more than $500,000 for abuse
NZPA - The High Court in Wellington this morning began hearing the case of a woman claiming more than half a million dollars from the Catholic church for abuse she says she suffered at an Upper Hutt orphanage…….. The defendants - the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Wellington, Catholic Social Services, the Sisters of Mercy (Wellington) Trust Board and St Joseph's Orphanage Trust Board - deny the allegations.

2005-0731 - Sunday Star Times - Church in $550,000 abuse case
by Helen Bain - A woman is claiming more than half a million dollars from the Catholic church for physical, sexual, verbal and emotional abuse she says she suffered while in the care of an Upper Hutt orphanage.  The damages sought are believed to be the highest claimed against the Catholic Church in an abuse case in New Zealand.