Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Waiouru (NZ Army) - Index

(4) Oct 8-9 2004 Index


NZ Herald
October 8 2004

We were raped claim ex-cadets
by Mathew Dearnaley

Two former Army cadets have complained of being sodomised at Waiouru, including one who says he was pack-raped six times in the 1960s.

The man told the Herald last night that he reported to the Waiouru military hospital the day after being raped the first time by five senior cadets as he was left bleeding.

But he was turned away by a senior cadet being groomed for the medical corps.

"He said to me: 'You'll get over it - go back to your company'."

His allegations, and those of another man who has complained of rape, have been sent by former cadet Ian Fraser to Defence Minister Mark Burton for urgent police action.

Mr Fraser said from Perth yesterday that he had received complaints of brutality from about 300 former teenage trainees of the cadet school, which operated from 1948 to 1991, and was collating these for an inquiry promised this week by the minister.

But he sent the two rape complaints ahead of the main dossier because of their extreme nature.

He was reluctant to disclose any details of the second complaint, because of the victim's fragile state.

"We are getting guys who went on to become war heroes - one has been mentioned in dispatches and there are former members of the SAS among the victims," he said.

"People say these guys are wimps, but they are not wimps, one served with the 22 SAS [British elite regiment]. They are telling me the SAS selection process was a cakewalk compared with their time in the cadets."

The man who complained of pack rape, which he says began two months after he joined the school at 16, alleges his recruit intake was initiated on arrival by being hosed down with fire hoses by senior cadets before being made to scrub barrack floors for six hours.

The man, now approaching 60, told the Herald it was mainly the same group of five senior cadets involved in each offence. He believed they singled him out for refusing to participate in the abuse of others.

They allegedly boasted to him of raping two other cadets in his year.

He refused to take part because of being abused earlier in life, and joined the Army to escape his past.

"My crime was that I wouldn't do as they ordered - but I am proud of the fact I graduated from the cadets and never ever did anything abusive to anyone else."

The year-long ordeal "screwed up" his life, although not to the point of being unable to father children, unlike another former cadet who says he was left sterile from being beaten about the scrotum.

Although he does not yet want to be identified, he said he would testify to a Government inquiry if one was set up at arm's length from the Army and Defence Force.

He said he would not trust the Army "to clean out a dustbin" let alone hold an impartial investigation, as some perpetrators later rose to high rank and might still be serving officers.

An Army court of inquiry into the shooting death of a former cadet, Grant Bain, by another trainee in 1981 blamed a lack of resources for inadequate supervision by regular force officers.

But the man said the officers must have known about the brutality, when confronted by morning line-ups of half a dozen cadets covered in bruises and sporting black eyes.

A spokeswoman for the minister confirmed receiving two emails from Mr Fraser, but would not say whether any information had yet been referred to police.

She said Mr Burton had consulted Attorney-General Margaret Wilson over general concerns Mr Fraser and other former cadets had raised about the training school.

Although they were still considering options for an inquiry for which the Defence Force has started laying the ground, the inquiry would remain under the minister's direction.

One man's charges

The former Army cadet alleges:

* He was stripped naked at the point of a bayonet held under his chin while his genitals were interfered with.

* Was made to stand naked on a snowy winter's night for 30 minutes in a mountain stream.

* Was stripped naked by nine cadets, held down on a concrete floor and scrubbed with a yard broom.

* Had a broom handle "used on my rear end so often I lost count".