Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Waiouru (NZ Army) - Index

Last       (4) Oct 8-9 2004       Next

2004-1009 - Waikato Times - Uncle Tom's legacy
by Tracey Cooper - Today Tracey Cooper is a Waikato Times reporter. But in 1980 he got on a bus to Waiouru for a place at the New Zealand Army cadet school. This week, as allegations of abuse at the school surfaced, Tracey has been reflecting on his time there. These are his recollections.

2004-1009 - Waikato Times - I was a punching bag
by Inger Vos - As a schoolboy, he thought cadet school would be the start of something great. Go in the army, be a man, they told him. But all this Waikato man, now 52, recalls is the horror of being bullied, beaten and hospitalised. The scars have lasted a lifetime, he tells Inger Vos.

2004-1009 - One News - Waiouru inquiry set to begin
An independent inquiry into allegations of abuse at the Waiouru Army Cadet school could be signed off by cabinet as early as Monday. Hundreds of former cadets have come forward with tales of brutality since one of them broke ranks last weekend -including one man who says he was pack raped half a dozen times.

2004-1009 - The Press - Waiouru 'brutal' for cadets
by Kim Thomas - A Christchurch engineer and former army cadet at Waiouru Military Camp claims he was brutally treated and sexually abused by an officer there in the 1980s.  Carl Gardner, 40, decided to speak out about the "barbaric" conditions at the army camp yesterday, after other former cadets this week came forward with allegations of abuse.  Gardner said he had not made the allegations at the time because he felt no-one would believe a young cadet accusing a senior officer.

2004-1009 - The Press - Reveals our culture
by Gareth Lochhead - News about the physical and sexual abuse at the army's Waiouru Cadet School during the 1960s and '70s reveals a lot about our culture. …….Pakeha New Zealanders need a new cultural mythology. The Good Keen Man has been shown for the violent, abusive shadow that he is. He can't cope with people being different from himself, and, in an ever more international and multicultural New Zealand, that is completely out of place.

2004-1009 - NZ Herald - The man who broke the code of silence
by Ainsley Thomson - What started as a way for Ian Fraser to deal with the demons that were threatening to derail his own life has broken the silence for hundreds of other men struggling with the secrets of what they endured at the Waiouru cadet school. Late last year, as the memories of the violence during his time at the school plunged him deeper into depression, Fraser began writing them down and talking to other former cadets about their experiences.

2004-1009 - NZ Herald - Burton to seek new probe into abuse claims
by Mathew Dearnaley - Defence Minister Mark Burton is preparing to seek Cabinet approval on Monday for an independent inquiry into brutality and sex-abuse claims by hundreds of former Army cadets. Army staff will continue working through the weekend on a review of records on its disbanded Waiouru cadet school, for a report for Mr Burton to take to his cabinet colleagues.

2004-1009 - NZ Herald - 'Bit of fun' ended in tragedy
by Nicola Boyes - Grant Bain never stood a chance. It was February 13, 1981 and the 17-year-old was cleaning his rifle with cadets from his platoon in room 14. It was 9pm when 17-year-old cadet Andrew Read walked in, training an M16 on cadets in the room. Read, a senior cadet, set his sights on the teenager from Te Awamutu.

2004-1009 - Dominion Post - Their duty of care
by Lynley Hood - I wrote A City Possessed; I know a witch hunt when I see one. Current allegations of abuse at Waiouru have all the ingredients of a classic witch hunt: vindictive witch hunters; sensationalising media; politicians who would rather lead a lynch mob than lead a nation. Journalists should ask some hard questions…..

2004-1009 - Dominion Post - Army staff 'trying to shut down complaints'
by Hank Schouten - The man who sparked the Waiouru cadet abuse controversy says serving Defence Force staff are involved in attempts to hose down the issue. Former army communications officer Ian Fraser, who is now a computer consultant, said an army major and a civilian appeared to be using Defence Force facilities to assist others with a disinformation campaign. Mr Fraser said there was a campaign of damage control and forces were being mustered against him to play down the allegations of abuse and claim they were rubbish.

2004-1008 - NZ Herald - We were raped claim ex-cadets
by Mathew Dearnaley - Two former Army cadets have complained of being sodomised at Waiouru, including one who says he was pack-raped six times in the 1960s. The man told the Herald last night that he reported to the Waiouru military hospital the day after being raped the first time by five senior cadets as he was left bleeding.

2004-1008 - NZ Herald - Army will support Waiouru enquiry
The army has pledged its support for an independent investigation of alleged abuse at the Waiouru Cadet School. The Minister of Defence has called for the investigation following numerous complaints of abuse at the school from the 1950s to the 1980s.

2004-1008 - Newstalk ZB - Inquiry promise over Waiouru claims
The Defence Minister is assuring former army cadets who are alleging they were abused more than 25 years ago that they will be given an independent inquiry. Dozens of former cadets at the Army's Waiouru Cadet School say they were sexually and physically abused during in a period between the 1960s and 1980s.

2004-1008 - Newstalk ZB - Army will support Waiouru enquiry
The army has pledged its support for an independent investigation of alleged abuse at the Waiouru Cadet School. The Minister of Defence has called for the investigation following numerous complaints of abuse at the school from the 1950s to the 1980s. Army Chief, Major General Jerry Mateparae, says he is very concerned at the allegations and is putting together a report on the school based on existing records.

2004-1008 - NZ Defence Force - Regular Force Cadet School Allegations
Press Release - Today, Chief of Army, Major General Mateparae, said "I am very concerned with the serious nature of the allegations made by former cadets at the Regular Force Cadet School (RFCS). "Accordingly, I have tasked my staff to urgently review all available records on the RFCS held by the Defence Force, so that we can provide the Minister of Defence with a comprehensive report.

2004-1008 - Dominion Post - 'They lined up 30 guys and gave me a kicking'
by Paul Mulrooney and Hank Schouten - A former army cadet who was being given medical attention at the time one of his fellow cadets was shot dead in 1981 says that repeated abuse "completely skewed" his view of military life. More than 20 years after enduring months of alleged physical and psychological abuse at Waiouru Cadet School, David Cruickshank said the cadet corporal who pulled the trigger that day was as much a victim of the brutal environment as the cadet he shot.

2004-1008 - Dominion Post - Gun killer died in fall
by Leanne Bell - The man who killed Waiouru army cadet Grant Bain fell to his death in a West Coast forestry accident six years ago. Andrew William Read was killed at Charleston Forest, near Westport, when he fell down a limestone tomo, or hole, according to the Westport coroner's file held by the Justice Ministry in Wellington.

2004-1008 - Dominion Post - Former army cadet defends school
by Haydon Dewes - A former cadet at Waiouru has spoken out in defence of the school, saying most of those alleging abuse would not have handled life regardless of their experiences as cadets. Tony Williams, of Wellington, joined the cadet school in 1969 and stayed for three years. He was at the school at the same time as Ian Fraser, whose report of abuse has sparked an avalanche of stories of abuse at the hands of older cadets.