Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Waiouru (NZ Army) - Index

(4) Oct 8-9 2004 Index


The Dominion Post
October 9 2004

Their duty of care
Letter to the Editor
by Lynley Hood, Dunedin

I wrote A City Possessed; I know a witch hunt when I see one. Current allegations of abuse at Waiouru have all the ingredients of a classic witch hunt: vindictive witch hunters; sensationalising media; politicians who would rather lead a lynch mob than lead a nation.

Journalists should ask some hard questions. Of Ian Fraser: why complain now? Is he receiving trauma counselling? Has he suffered a recent personal and/or financial crisis?

Of the prime minister and defence minister: why have they abdicated their duty of care to the state employees involved? Why haven't they cautioned the public against rushing to judgment before the allegations have been properly investigated?

Why haven't they pointed out that the accused staff are entitled to natural justice? Why are they putting at risk the careers and reputations of so many able and loyal state employees who may be completely innocent?