Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Waiouru (NZ Army) - Index

(5) Oct 17- Dec 31 2004 Index


Manawatu Standard
October 19 2004

Healing time for cadets
by John Myers

Claims that alleged abuse of young soldiers at Waiouru's Regular Force Cadet School was no different to typical boarding school behaviour of the era have brought a sharp rebuke from a former cadet.

Michael Everett, of Woodville, said yesterday the difference between cadet school and boarding school wasn't a subtle one.

"Put a 50lb (22kg) pack on your back, get a rifle and do a battle efficiency test -- then get back to the barracks for a beating," he said. "The abuse, in addition to the rigours of soldier training, separate the RF Cadet School from school days."

Mr Everett said he was happy with soldiering. That was why he was there and that was what he was paid for.

"But I didn't expect to suffer abuse at the hands of my fellow soldiers," he said.

To those who claim it's all in the name of compensation, Mr Everett said it is obvious there hasn't been any, other than the knowledge that the issue is at last in the public arena.

"This is our time of healing. They were dark days for some us."

The Government is this week to announce the terms of reference for a formal inquiry into the cadet abuse claims.