Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Waiouru (NZ Army) - Index

Last       (6) October 17-22 2004       Next

2004-1022 - The Press - Deep remorse
by Turi Gibbs - I was a longtime friend of Andy Read, the man who killed Waiouru army cadet Grant Bain. I know that Andy felt deep remorse and shame and also had tried his hardest to learn from the unforgivable mistakes he had made.

2004-1022 - Stuff - Former High Court judge to look into army cadet allegations
Former High Court judge David Morris would look into allegations army cadets were abused at the army school they trained at, Defence Minister Mark Burton said today. ……."Mr Morris, who had a long and distinguished career as a Crown solicitor and High Court judge, would carry out the ministerial inquiry"……"His judicial experience will enable him to separate issues of mistreatment from more serious allegations that even in the context of time may amount to criminal offences,"……"The claims would be treated credibly, seriously and professionally".

2004-1022 - Scoop - Ian Fraser Responds To Waiouru investigation
by Ian Fraser - I welcome the appointment of Mr Justice Morris who appears to be free thinker and unafraid of controversy. He does not appear to fall into the category of what I would term ‘old establishment’ so I look forward to working with him. ” “Given the fact that both Army and Police actions need to be scrutinized, particularly in relation to the Bain death, I was hoping for a commission of inquiry….

2004-1022 - NZ Herald - Former High Court judge to investigate army cadet abuse
NZPA - Former High Court judge David Morris will look into allegations army cadets were abused at the army school they trained at, Defence Minister Mark Burton said today. The allegations were first raised earlier this month by former army cadet Ian Fraser, who claimed there had been widespread "physical, psychological and sexual abuse" of cadets at the Waiouru Regular Force Cadet School. Mr Burton announced previously that an independent assessor would examine complaints of abuse at Waiouru army cadet school dating back to the 1960s.

2004-1022 - NZ Government - Independent assessor named for Waiouru investigation
Press Release - Defence Minister Mark Burton today announced that former High Court Judge, Hon David Morris is to be appointed to act as independent assessor for the Ministerial Inquiry to examine the responses and comments received relating to alleged abuses at the Waiouru Regular Force Cadet School. “Hon Morris had a long and distinguished career as a Crown Solicitor and a High Court Judge. His personal integrity and status assure that the assessment of these claims will be treated credibly, seriously, and professionally. His judicial experience will enable him to separate issues of mistreatment from more serious allegations that, even in the context of the time, may amount to criminal offences.

2004-1022 - National Party - National says get it right the first time; Waiouru
by John Carter - National's Defence spokesman John Carter is warning the Government to get its terms of reference right for the ministerial inquiry into claims of abuse at the Waiouru army base. "This is paramount if the Government is to address the claims of abuse properly." Mr Carter welcomes the announcement of an independent assessor for this inquiry, but he has some reservations about the 'closed shop' nature of a ministerial inquiry.

2004-1020 - Timaru Herald - Caution needed
Editorial - There is plainly a lot of smoke surrounding allegations of cadet soldier abuse at the Waiouru army camp in the 1970s and 1980s, and the army and police should conduct full investigations. There are some problems, however. The passage of time will have clouded memories, and people will be dispersed throughout the world.

2004-1019 - Waikato Times - Family angry at probe curbs
by Andrew McAlley - The Te Awamutu family of a slain army cadet are angry an inquiry ordered by Defence Minister Mark Burton is being restricted. Grant Bain, 17, was shot and killed by fellow cadet Andrew Read at the Regular Force Cadet School in Waiouru in February 1981. Grant's brother, Murray Bain, cannot understand why the inquiry is permitted only to query events involved with the incident up to 30 minutes after the shooting.

2004-1019 - The Press - Waiouru inquiry details expected
Defence Minister Mark Burton will this week announce details of an independent assessment of claims of abuse at the army's Waiouru Cadet School. Burton's office has received more than 85 complaints of abuse at the school, which operated between 1948 and 1991.

2004-1019 - NZ Herald - Naming of assessor in cadet abuse case delayed
by Kevin Taylor - Details of the official inquiry into alleged abuses of cadets at Waiouru's Army cadet school should be known this week. Defence Minister Mark Burton last week announced an independent assessor would investigate claims of abuse at the school and a name would be given to yesterday's Cabinet meeting. But no assessor was named yesterday. Instead Mr Burton said an announcement would now be made later this week.

2004-1019 - Manawatu Standard - Healing time for cadets
by John Myers - Claims that alleged abuse of young soldiers at Waiouru's Regular Force Cadet School was no different to typical boarding school behaviour of the era have brought a sharp rebuke from a former cadet. Michael Everett, of Woodville, said yesterday the difference between cadet school and boarding school wasn't a subtle one.

2004-1019 - Dominion Post - Cadet school inquiry terms to be settled
The Government has yet to finalise terms of reference for an inquiry into allegations of abuse at the former Regular Force Cadet School in Waiouru. Acting Prime Minister Michael Cullen said yesterday that terms of reference were expected to be considered by a Cabinet committee on Wednesday.

2004-1018 - NZ Government - Update on Waiouru investigation
Press Release - “Further work needs to be undertaken to finalise the appropriate form and terms of reference for this assessment process. I expect to make an announcement later this week.  “I reiterate that these are complex, historical claims.

2004-1018 - Dominion Post - To the Point
by M S Hannah - I was amazed to read the remarks of a retired army officer  saying the bullying at the cadet school at Waiouru was no worse than what happened in many boys' boarding schools. Has he not heard that two wrongs don't make a right?