Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Waiouru (NZ Army) - Index

(5) Oct 17- Dec 31 2004 Index


Waikato Times
October 19 2004

Family angry at probe curbs
by Andrew McAlley

The Te Awamutu family of a slain army cadet are angry an inquiry ordered by Defence Minister Mark Burton is being restricted.

Grant Bain, 17, was shot and killed by fellow cadet Andrew Read at the Regular Force Cadet School in Waiouru in February 1981.

Grant's brother, Murray Bain, cannot understand why the inquiry is permitted only to query events involved with the incident up to 30 minutes after the shooting.

"Mark Burton said on the Holmes show last week that they couldn't go any further because from there it was a police matter. What's stopping the prime minister walking into the defence and police ministers' offices and instructing them to carry out a joint investigation?"

Mr Bain said he didn't accept Mr Burton's reasoning because his brother's killer had still been in the army until March.

The Bain family had still not heard directly from the Defence Ministry six days after the programme aired.

"We did receive a call from one of the Holmes show staff that the ministry had called and she passed on a name of a woman who was to be our liaison,"Mr Bain said.

"What does that say about how they are treating this?"

The defence minister had asked the family to write to him directly last week to ensure no misunderstandings but Mr Bain said this was unlikely.

"In 2002 we contacted our MP, National's Shane Arden, and New Zealand First's Ron Mark, after we had found out the army was using photos of Grant's body for training.

"Originally the army denied it, then they admitted they were using one photo; we have since found out there were four," said Mr Bain.

"I think we will stick with our MP, Shane Arden, we won't be going through the minister, things are more above board then."

The family was upset because the photos showed Grant Bain had died in the barracks -- the family had been told he had died in hospital.

"We requested the file into Grant's death; we received a letter from Brigadier Rick Ottaway declining our request. He wrote there was no compelling reason for the report into my brother's death to be released to the family. What does that tell you?"

Murray Bain said the family would like a full independent inquiry and believe this was the only way they could reach closure.


CAPTION: NO CONTACT: Defence Minister Mark Burton.