Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Waiouru (NZ Army) - Index

(5) Oct 17- Dec 31 2004 Index


NZ National Party
October 22 2004

National says get it right the first time; Waiouru
Press Release
John Carter National Party Defence Spokesman

Waiouru inquiry: National says get it right the first time

National's Defence spokesman John Carter is warning the Government to get its terms of reference right for the ministerial inquiry into claims of abuse at the Waiouru army base.

"This is paramount if the Government is to address the claims of abuse properly."

Mr Carter welcomes the announcement of an independent assessor for this inquiry, but he has some reservations about the 'closed shop' nature of a ministerial inquiry.

He says the onus is now firmly on the Minister to ensure his inquiry is full, transparent, fair, and timely.

"For the sake of all parties involved the Minister needs to get it right."