Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Waiouru (NZ Army) - Index

(5) Oct 17- Dec 31 2004 Index
October 22 2004

Ian Fraser Responds To Waiouru investigation
by Ian Fraser

Ian Fraser in reaction to the announcement by the Minister of Defence, Hon Mark Burton, that former High Court Judge, Mr Justice David Morris is to be appointed to act as independent assessor for the Ministerial Inquiry to examine alleged abuses at the Waiouru Regular Force Cadet School.

Said “I welcome the appointment of Mr Justice Morris who appears to be free thinker and unafraid of controversy. He does not appear to fall into the category of what I would term ‘old establishment’ so I look forward to working with him. ”

“Given the fact that both Army and Police actions need to be scrutinized, particularly in relation to the Bain death, I was hoping for a commission of inquiry, but I am relying on assurances from the Ministers Office that both Army and Police will fully co-operate with this Ministerial Inquiry.”

“Naturally I still have concerns regarding the possible need to compel testimony. And the privilege attached to witness statements. Witnesses need to be protected from vexatious lawsuits resulting from their testimony.”

“But on balance I am happy with the seriousness the government attaches to the allegations and speed with which matters are progressing.”