Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Waiouru (NZ Army) - Index

(5) Oct 17- Dec 31 2004 Index


October 22 2004

Former High Court judge to look into army cadet allegations

Former High Court judge David Morris would look into allegations army cadets were abused at the army school they trained at, Defence Minister Mark Burton said today.

The allegations were first raised earlier this month by former army cadet Ian Fraser, who claimed there had been widespread "physical, psychological and sexual abuse" of cadets at the Waiouru Regular Force Cadet School.

Mr Burton announced previously that an independent assessor would examine complaints of abuse at Waiouru army cadet school dating back to the 1960s.

He said at the time the Government would ensure everyone with concerns and complaints would be listened to and that any criminal offences would be referred to police.

Mr Burton today said in a statement that Mr Morris, who had a long and distinguished career as a Crown solicitor and High Court judge, would carry out the ministerial inquiry.

"His judicial experience will enable him to separate issues of mistreatment from more serious allegations that even in the context of time may amount to criminal offences," Mr Burton said.

The claims would be treated credibly, seriously and professionally, he said.

Mr Morris would evaluate all claims and views raised by former cadets of the Waiouru school.

His report would go to cabinet.

"This report will detail the facts surrounding the allegations as well as identifying any further appropriate action that may be required."

The New Zealand Army would co-operate fully with the investigation, making available all relevant, existing information it had.

Mr Burton said he would meet with Mr Morris early next week, when final terms of reference for the inquiry would be released.

Mr Morris has been involved in a number of inquiries, including the National Women's Hospital cervical cancer inquiry, investigations into the Mr Asia drug ring, and the Erebus commission of inquiry.