Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Waiouru (NZ Army) - Index

(5) Oct 17- Dec 31 2004 Index


Waikato Times
October 23 2004

Out of Line
Letter to the Editor
by Murray Bain, Te Awamutu

I am the brother of Cadet Grant Bain, the 17-year-old killed at Waiouru in 1981. Since Ian Fraser's story about RF Cadet School abuse broke, we have seen a barrage of coverage by all major New Zealand papers.

By far the worst reporting to date is that of Waikato Times reporter Tracey Cooper, a senior cadet in Grant's year, who included his cadet school experiences in his October 9 article. He also includes comments about his uncle, Tom Cooper.

I was a cadet at Waiouru before Tracey Cooper and can relate to his term of "gungy" and events as he recalls them. But to write that "his (Grant's) death had nothing to do with abuse or bullying" is so far off the mark that I wonder how a person with such a naive view could ever be a reporter.

Perhaps he should have researched his story and read the court of inquiry report on events leading up to Grant's death. They clearly detail a systematic regime of abuse from senior cadets (Mr Cooper's classmates) that clearly led to individual cadet NCOs trying to "out-do" each other in acts of intimidation against junior cadets. Cadet Corporal Read obviously won the contest.

The most appalling section of the article was the claim that the Bain family lost their composure at Grant's funeral.

What a lot of rubbish. I think my family has heard enough lies without some immature Waikato Times reporter starting more.

My mother was totally devastated by Grant's death, but held her composure well during this very sad funeral. The comments are an inexcusable slur on her character.

Mr Cooper's only agreeable comment was that his Uncle Tom was a good bloke. I served with Tom Cooper in the NZ Army and it is a bloody shame his nephew will never be half the man he was.