Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Waiouru (NZ Army) - Index

(5) Oct 17- Dec 31 2004 Index


Newstalk ZB
November 4 2004

Waiouru inquiry details released

The Defence Minister has released terms of reference for the inquiry into allegations of abuse at Waiouru Cadet School.

Hundreds of claims of mistreatment have surfaced since a former Army communications officer, Ian Fraser, went public with his story.

Minister Mark Burton says the inquiry led by former High Court judge David Morris will look at complaints from 1948 to 1991.

He says that includes all behaviour and treatment of cadets.

Specific provisions have been made to investigate the death of cadet Grant Bain in 1981.

There are also separate grounds for claims that may amount to criminal offending.

Mr Burton expects a report back by the end of March.