Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Waiouru (NZ Army) - Index

(5) Oct 17- Dec 31 2004 Index


November 3 2004

Cadet abuse inquiry terms of reference announced

Defence Minister Mark Burton today announced terms of reference for the inquiry into allegations of abuse at the Army's former cadet school at Waiouru.

Former High Court judge David Morris has already begun work on the inquiry, which was sparked by former army communications officer Ian Fraser publishing a report on an online news service last month about alleged violence and abuse at the school.

Reaction to the report included hundreds of corroborating accounts from other cadets.

Mr Burton said today in a statement that Mr Morris would present a written report, with recommendations, to him by March 31, 2005.

Mr Morris would look into the behaviour and treatment of cadets at the Waiouru school from 1948 until it closed in 1991, as well as the events surrounding the killing at the school of cadet Grant Bain in 1981.

His tasks would include:

·  assessing information received by Mr Burton, the Defence Force, Mr Fraser and the media, from former cadets and their families

·  separating issues of general mistreatment from those that involved criminal offending

·  reviewing the events surrounding Grant Bain's death, including meeting with his family to help identify outstanding issues

·  identifying allegations that fell outside the scope of assessment and referring them to the appropriate agency

Mr Burton said anyone with concerns about the school that had not yet contacted him or the NZDF should do so immediately.

"We want to ensure that former cadets and their families who have concerns can air them and be listened to," Mr Burton said.

The final report will be presented to Cabinet.

Nearly 300 former cadet soldiers have contacted Mr Fraser since he published his report. Mr Fraser claims about a third of all cadets suffered abuse at the school up until it closed in 1991.