Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Waiouru (NZ Army) - Index

(5) Oct 17- Dec 31 2004 Index


The Press
November 4 2004

Broad inquiry into Waiouru claims
by Jarrod Booker

Former High Court judge David Morris has been given a broad brief to assess claims of abuse at the Waiouru army cadet school.

Morris has until March 30 next year to recommend what action should be taken by the Government over the claims sparked by allegations from former cadet Ian Fraser last month.

Fraser claimed there was widespread "physical, psychological and sexual abuse" of cadets as young as 15 at the school between the 1960s and 1980s. Since speaking out, he had gathered about 350 abuse complaints.

Morris has already begun assessing the abuse claims.

According to the terms of reference announced by Defence Minister Mark Burton, Morris would examine:

* The behaviour and treatment of cadets at the Regular Force Cadet School from 1948-1991.

* The events surrounding the killing of Cadet Grant Bain in 1981.

* Other related matters.

Morris is required to review all information on the topic from various sources including Fraser, the New Zealand defence forces and the media.

Morris would need to separate issues of alleged mistreatment from those that amounted to crimes, and identify allegations outside the scope of his assessment for appropriate referral.

Fraser told The Press that he was pleased to see the terms of reference were "reasonably broad". "Which is good. I can't see they have missed anything out."

The deadline set for Morris was realistic given the Christmas-New Year break was approaching.

"I wouldn't see a need for it dragging along any longer."

Burton said he would make available all material and information provided to him on alleged abuse at Waiouru, as would the New Zealand Defence Forces.

Police and the Crown Law Office could likely be consulted by Morris.

Burton still wanted to hear from any former cadets or their families with concerns to air.

They could either ring freephone 0800 222 044 or email mburton@ministers.