Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Waiouru (NZ Army) - Index

(9)  Dec 2005 (Report Released)



NZ First
December 1 2005

Waiouru Cadet Report Welcome
Press Release by Ron Mark

New Zealand First defence spokesperson Ron Mark today welcomed the result of the inquiry into the Regular Force Cadet School at Waiouru. The inquiry had been convened following claims from some former cadets that they had suffered abuse, including sexual abuse, at the hands of more senior cadets.

“I am pleased that Justice Morris, who headed the inquiry, found that although there had been bullying at the school, there had been no culture of violence,’ said Mr Mark.

“From my time at the school I was unaware personally of any incidents, but I know that from time to time such complaints were brought to the attention of the authorities, and the Army had always acted swiftly.

“Many of the young men who gained their training at the school went on to become great leaders, like Matt Te Pou, Tiny Hill and Don McIver.

“It is a shame that some people’s reputations have been tarnished as a result of the allegations.

“Hopefully now they and all the other ex-cadets, who took these allegations so personally, can put it behind them, and the good name of the school can be restored,’ concluded Mr Mark.