Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Waiouru (NZ Army) - Index

(9)  Dec 2005 (Report Released)


December 1 2005

Report On Army Cadet Abuse Allegations Due 1pm

Defence Minister Phil Goff will hold a press conference at 1pm today where he is expected to release Judge David Morris' review into allegations of bullying and abuse at the Waiouru Regular Force Cadet School between 1948 and 1991. The report will also cover events surrounding the killing of Cadet Grant Bain in 1981.


Background articles:


Victims Of Army Cadet School Violence Sought

October 3 2004
by Ian Fraser - A former cadet at the New Zealand Army Waiouru Cadet School is working to raise awareness of what he says was widespread physical, psychological and sexual abuse of cadets as young as 15 at the school in the 1960s, 70s and 80s. He hopes to get Government to support for Army staff who have had problems in later life as a result of their negative experiences.


Investigation: Inside The Waiouru RF Cadet School

October 3 2004
by Ian Fraser - Lauded as the prime source of the New Zealand Army's future Senior NCOs and Officers, for 50 years the Regular Force Cadet School has kept secret a far more sinister aspect to its existence. It started as a night like any other for the cadets at the Army's Waiouru-based Regular Force Cadet School. At 9.10 pm on 13 Feb 1981, a teenage boy was confronted by a Corporal wielding an M16 rifle.


Burton says Stop the cheap politics, Mr Mark

October 13 2004
Defence Minister Mark Burton says tonight that Ron Mark's sad attempt to garner publicity off the grief of a New Zealand family is sad and pathetic. Mr Mark did indeed write to me in 2002, regarding some concerns raised by the family of Grant Bain, a cadet who died at the Regular Force Cadet School in Waiouru in 1981.


Independent assessor named for Waiouru investigation

October 22 2004
Defence Minister Mark Burton today announced that former High Court Judge, Hon David Morris is to be appointed to act as independent assessor for the Ministerial Inquiry to examine the responses and comments received relating to alleged abuses at the Waiouru Regular Force Cadet School.