Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Waiouru (NZ Army) - Index

(9)  Dec 2005 (Report Released)


The Maori Party
December 2 2005

Violence is unacceptable in any form
Press Release by Tariana Turia

“Violence is unacceptable in any form -including ritualised abuse which I believe is what was happening at Waiouru” stated Tariana Turia, Member of Parliament for Te Tai Hauauru.

“I am pleased that the Government has asked former cadets at the Regular Force Cadet School at Waiouru to come forward, and to consider laying a complaint with the police, if they have been subjected to any form of violence or abuse whilst at that school” said Mrs Turia.

“Any attempts to minimise it by giving emphasis to the finding that the sexual abuse was ‘rare’ or that it was only a ‘limited number of junior cadets’ whom were affected, should be treated with suspicion” stated Mrs Turia.

Justice Morris reported that the cadet school was ‘a fertile ground for bullying’, and that those involved in the more extreme examples of bullying were probably guilty of assault.

“The Maori Party welcomes the move of the Minister of Defence to recognise the abuse that has taken place within the Regular Force Cadet School”.

“Violence prevention is about removing opportunities for violence to be perpetuated in any setting. The challenge for this Government now is to extend its gaze to every institution and to ensure that we say NO to violence at all levels” stated Mrs Turia.